Crap, crap, crap, crap!
I should've done this a week ago, I know, and for that I apologize five times over, but the circumstances just couldn't be helped, and anyway it took much longer to decide on the results of this challenge as it is the last one before the finale and will decide on the top 3 competitors.
-Deep breath-
Intense, I know.
I was so extraordinarily impressed with you 4 lovely ladies this week, though, I must say. Best batch of last challenge entries ever. And plus, that gets me very excited to see what you will pop out for the Unofficial Fashion Week.
Since it's been a while, I should probably recap:
You'll be making sets for each other.
That was about the gist of it. The competitors udnerstood the nitty gritty, so we'll get more into that with critiques...
Speaking of which:
Incubeautee-Each judge had their own little nit picks regarding your set-the shoes were too formal for frolicking, the green looked like a hospital gown, the bag wasn't quite right-but everyone said something different about the not-so-strong points. What we pretty much all agree on though is that you met the requirements well [although one judge feels there was too much you, and not enough Lola.] and your layouts still rock [however, this is probably not the best you've done...still good though. Very good.]. Over all the set has a nice, tranquil sort of mood, and makes me want whatever that cocktail is. =] You've also come a long way in terms of clutter, and I think, for some one who started out such a strong set maker, you've still managed to improve. Which, in the begining, was the goal of this compition. Goodgood stuff, my dear.
BBGal-The judges were surprise-and in a good way! And so I officially award you with the title of most improved, evident in this set as well as your 3 before it. We all like the colors and how you interpreted your instructions, hitting the retro, Incubeautee-esque vibe quite well. We also all agree though that, while this may be one of your best sets, it felt a little top heavy in terms of presentation. Some of the little items, as there were more than plenty in the top right, could've been brought over the opposite corner, we believe. We also believe that the top-heaviness could've been rememdied simply by choosing a lighter colored bag-it was much too dark and heavy for the sweet nature of the rest of the set. But still, you've come a long way.
Lola So, you've consistantly have popped out some crazy cool sets in this crazy cool competition, and this one here is no exception. I'm really excited Tripmywire had you do a mosaic, because it was really great seeing what else you can do-and you did it so well! Although one judge called it "TMW & Lola’s love child" and another could too see the resemblence, the other half of judges weren't quite as smitten. We've constantly mentioned that mosaics must be balanced carefully, and although I personally think you've nailed it, I can see how this set could be rather overwhelming. One judge mentioned that she preferred the other set you made for this challenge, and that she really didn't see the 'edgy romantic' that was requested, and also wasn't sure, in practicality, how well that sweater would wear with the skirt [and on that last bit I must agree, however cool the sweater is.]. None the less, every one still felt this was another good entry.
TMW-I appriciate very much that you did not take up that offer of doing another signiture mosaic layout, and I do think the turned out much better than your last attempted during the prom challenge. However, as much as we all give many kudos to doing something out of your comfort zone, some of the judges don't think this was the best way to go-most all of us really like the idea and choices for the elemental pictures, but the left the right side feeling overwhelming over the left. However, I think this is more the fault of the bag,which was a required item [Said a judge, "I do feel for her she had to work that bag, but I think she did an okay job"] But what we all could agree on was that those leggings were throwing us off-not so much leggings with shorts and those shoes, which I think the idea could be kind of cool, but the fact that they are black and shiney-and although very /you/-just sort of upset the harmony of the rest of the set.
3 of you will continue on to the finale.
But tonight there will be no winner.
For two resons:
One, you were all so neck in neck.
And two, I think it's better that before the finale, everyone should be on the same level, so to speak.
Those who have payed attention to the previous two cycles saw this one coming. ;]
But anywho, back to those 3 of you.
We'll see you in the finale.
But, who shall be joining you?
Come on, you saw this coming...
You are also part of the final 3.
Congrats to you as well!
It's down to you two.
One, who has won three challenges, but has also done her share of hanging in the bottom.
And one, who may have not have gotten to the top in the challenges, but who has improved imensely over her competitors as the competition wore on.
[Sorry, I was channeling a bit of Top Model there, dears.]
And so, who goes?
Neither of you.
Forget the top 3, I do believe we have a room for a top 4.
Congradulations to the both of you!
I know, I know. I kept looking threw both of your sets, got the opinions of some of the judges, but it seemed to matter how I reasoned it, it always ended up in a tie.
You two really are head to head.
But I want to give you both another chance to shine-or to shine even brighter.
And so, I better see all four of you pound out the most wicked sets you have ever made in these coming weeks. Promise?
There can only be one winner overall, so strive for absolutely greatness. Or whatever cheesy thing you can think of.
I know you can do it.
THANK YOU ONE AND ALL. As always. Especially my judges and contestants who constantly put up with my flakiness and indecisiveness.
You all still rock.
And good night!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Challenge 10 Entries
I had to make a set for ANGIE!!! :) YAY!
Her request...
Layout: double feature picture show - two photos on opposite corners.
Color Palette: brown, light green, white
Style: I want a sweet country kinda feel to it, but not too over the top. Basically, an outfit that makes you want to go frolic in a field. Like imagine you lived in North Carolina and tomorrow was the last day of summer before school started again. So you decided to spend your whole day running around in a field.
Items: something from Urban Outfitters
was assigned to make a set for the fabulous Incubeautee... and this is the info sheet that she sent me.
Layout: a little something i made up that i like to call double feature picture show. which is basically like a model in corner set except you put any two pictures (doesnt have to be a model but can be if you want) on opposite corners. examples: &
Color Palette: Blue, tan, and creamy light pink
Specific sort of style: the classic feminine meets masculine, but with a hint of retro for a twist.
Any specific items: something from Chloe
The outfit is mostly feminine, but I tried to incorporate the masculine side of things with the blazer. As far as throwing in a touch of retro, the hobo bag and earrings are supposed to be a throwback to 70's bohemian. Oh, and I loved the layout. It's great. :)
Layout: MY STYLE Mosaic [things touch & it's a bit more artsy]
Style: romantic edge
Color palette: black and white.
Item: Nerd Glasses
I also threw Shia in there, seeing as we both share a love of zee hot boy.
Layout: Hmm, well personally I'm not a huge fan of mosaics. But I know that's your style. So you can do a mosaic if you want, but if you want to try something different that's cool too. I don't care much about the layout
Color Pallette: earthy colors... green/brown/blue etc
Specific sort of stlye: Hippie/bohemian [:
Any specific items: ... id=9220505 This one!
Layout: I like mosaics. But BB isn't a fan, so I tried something new. I think I kind of like it. Perhaps it shall stay...
Colours: I feel like these colours are earthy. After finishing the outfit, I realized that it's kind of void of colours...So I tried to switch things out for colour, and I always went back to the neutrals. I just like it better this way.
Style: My version of bohemian.
Item: This bag killed me. The texture of it was hard to work with.
Also, the pictures on the right are representative of earth, wind, fire, and water.
I had to make a set for ANGIE!!! :) YAY!
Her request...
Layout: double feature picture show - two photos on opposite corners.
Color Palette: brown, light green, white
Style: I want a sweet country kinda feel to it, but not too over the top. Basically, an outfit that makes you want to go frolic in a field. Like imagine you lived in North Carolina and tomorrow was the last day of summer before school started again. So you decided to spend your whole day running around in a field.
Items: something from Urban Outfitters
was assigned to make a set for the fabulous Incubeautee... and this is the info sheet that she sent me.
Layout: a little something i made up that i like to call double feature picture show. which is basically like a model in corner set except you put any two pictures (doesnt have to be a model but can be if you want) on opposite corners. examples: &
Color Palette: Blue, tan, and creamy light pink
Specific sort of style: the classic feminine meets masculine, but with a hint of retro for a twist.
Any specific items: something from Chloe
The outfit is mostly feminine, but I tried to incorporate the masculine side of things with the blazer. As far as throwing in a touch of retro, the hobo bag and earrings are supposed to be a throwback to 70's bohemian. Oh, and I loved the layout. It's great. :)
Layout: MY STYLE Mosaic [things touch & it's a bit more artsy]
Style: romantic edge
Color palette: black and white.
Item: Nerd Glasses
I also threw Shia in there, seeing as we both share a love of zee hot boy.
Layout: Hmm, well personally I'm not a huge fan of mosaics. But I know that's your style. So you can do a mosaic if you want, but if you want to try something different that's cool too. I don't care much about the layout
Color Pallette: earthy colors... green/brown/blue etc
Specific sort of stlye: Hippie/bohemian [:
Any specific items: ... id=9220505 This one!
Layout: I like mosaics. But BB isn't a fan, so I tried something new. I think I kind of like it. Perhaps it shall stay...
Colours: I feel like these colours are earthy. After finishing the outfit, I realized that it's kind of void of colours...So I tried to switch things out for colour, and I always went back to the neutrals. I just like it better this way.
Style: My version of bohemian.
Item: This bag killed me. The texture of it was hard to work with.
Also, the pictures on the right are representative of earth, wind, fire, and water.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Challenge 9 Results
Aahhh, Wednesday, August 12th. What a fine fine time for result time.
SO. I am impressed. The final five! People, this insane! We are...soooo close. And not there. Not quite yet.
But before we can determine the final 3, we must determine the final 4, and the only way to do that is to eliminate one more.
Challenge 9! The Epic Wedding challenge...
Recap: That's right kids, its time to style a woman for the happiest day of her life [or so she thinks. You don't have to agree.], from the dress to the corsage to the tablewear. Similar to the prom challenge, but on a much grander scale, you will each be assigned a client who has some pretty specific wants for their big day. With the information given, create a set [or 2] for her wedding. You must make sure the dress is covered, the shoes, the accesories, the flowers. Optional things to include are dinner plates and silverwear, bridesmade dress, 3-song soundtrack, other decorations, and the groom.
So, uh. Let's get down to critiquing these epic sets then, shall we?
BBGal-Not bad, not bad at all. I really like that you got out of your comfort zone, layout wise here. We think that you really tried to pay attention to the directions of your client, however, maybe got traditional a little mixed up with old fashioned...the dress, well on par with the lace factor, we don't feel quite goes with the other accesories, or the other bridesmade dress. And 2 judges both felt that for a traditional wedding, a viel should've been a must have instead of the headband. The layout, although improving, still felt a little off, and we feel this is mostly due to the picture of a girl in a dress for the bridesmaids, up in the left corner. The tan background of it makes the soft, white, lacey feal of the rest of the set unbalanced.
Lola-Next time you don't know what something is, ask! Or at least do some researh. Really, clarification is something I'm happy to attempt to give...however, as not-quite-victorian as it is, I do like the direction you look it, a little more cutsey girly wedding, but you have the right idea with the cameos and the high-neck dress [and I love that butterfly hair-thingymajigger!]. Lots of these little details got lost in all the pictures though [particuarly all the ones of flowers.], and we're still straining to see exactly what's going on.
Incubeautee-I really enjoyed your vision for this theme, the tatooed rings, the band playing. Like Lola though, a lot of your details get lost in the pictures; however, yours appears to be much more balanced, and this might be due to the use of a real dress and other accesories [however kinda squashed.]. Making the dress just a tad larger might've helped. And one judge mentioned, "I also can't really picture those wedges at a wedding. but it fits the description well."
Tripmywire-So I must say, great comeback from the last two weeks. You always do better when you think you're going to blow it, don't you? Well, anyway, for being anti-wedding you sure pulled off the beachy look nicely. The two sets meld together very well, though each one can stand alone. One judge did mention though, " I wouldn’t necessarily say that all the accessories of the bride fit, but she’s a hippie and who cares. I really would love to be a bridesmaid of this wedding…but I don’t know if it’s a good or a bad thing that the bridesmaids look better than the bride?!"
Ellie-Somehow, I think you were in a rush when you did this. When I fist show the pictures of the peacock wedding placings, I was very excieted at out perfect they fit your bride, even if magenta was not one of your colors.But, in the final presentation, it all fell flat...with a crazy, rich fashionista, you could've done something bold and grand...2 sets weren't necissary, and they didn't exactly compliment each other. Great shoes, but I can exactly see what's going on with the dress. Putting it all into one set probably would've helped you a great deal.
Man. It's so nice to get these done so quickly.
Anyway, back to business. Good news first.Lessee.
Incubeautee and Tripmywire! Guess what?
You are the top two.
But only one of you can win.
And so, who will it be?
You are the winner of the epic wedding challenge!
Good show my dear!
You feel that warm swelling pride? Because that is your prize. It's must too close to the end for immunity.
Thanks very much Incubeautee as well. Can't wait to see what else you come up for us.
Oh, and hey, BBGal. You're in two.
Which means you're part of the final 4.
Awesome, right?
However, what is not so...awesome, is what we must do now.
One of you is out.
You are...
Which means, Ellie, you are out.
We are so sad to see you go my dear. But I am so proud that you stuck with us this far and came all this way. It's a fricking long journey, isn't it? We hope you had a good time, and will stick around with us behind the scenes.
Thank you everyone!
Now, before I let you go.
Could you please click the above link and join this group if you have not already. Some of your favorite people have put it together for one and all. =]
And I'll see you around.
SO. I am impressed. The final five! People, this insane! We are...soooo close. And not there. Not quite yet.
But before we can determine the final 3, we must determine the final 4, and the only way to do that is to eliminate one more.
Challenge 9! The Epic Wedding challenge...
Recap: That's right kids, its time to style a woman for the happiest day of her life [or so she thinks. You don't have to agree.], from the dress to the corsage to the tablewear. Similar to the prom challenge, but on a much grander scale, you will each be assigned a client who has some pretty specific wants for their big day. With the information given, create a set [or 2] for her wedding. You must make sure the dress is covered, the shoes, the accesories, the flowers. Optional things to include are dinner plates and silverwear, bridesmade dress, 3-song soundtrack, other decorations, and the groom.
So, uh. Let's get down to critiquing these epic sets then, shall we?
BBGal-Not bad, not bad at all. I really like that you got out of your comfort zone, layout wise here. We think that you really tried to pay attention to the directions of your client, however, maybe got traditional a little mixed up with old fashioned...the dress, well on par with the lace factor, we don't feel quite goes with the other accesories, or the other bridesmade dress. And 2 judges both felt that for a traditional wedding, a viel should've been a must have instead of the headband. The layout, although improving, still felt a little off, and we feel this is mostly due to the picture of a girl in a dress for the bridesmaids, up in the left corner. The tan background of it makes the soft, white, lacey feal of the rest of the set unbalanced.
Lola-Next time you don't know what something is, ask! Or at least do some researh. Really, clarification is something I'm happy to attempt to give...however, as not-quite-victorian as it is, I do like the direction you look it, a little more cutsey girly wedding, but you have the right idea with the cameos and the high-neck dress [and I love that butterfly hair-thingymajigger!]. Lots of these little details got lost in all the pictures though [particuarly all the ones of flowers.], and we're still straining to see exactly what's going on.
Incubeautee-I really enjoyed your vision for this theme, the tatooed rings, the band playing. Like Lola though, a lot of your details get lost in the pictures; however, yours appears to be much more balanced, and this might be due to the use of a real dress and other accesories [however kinda squashed.]. Making the dress just a tad larger might've helped. And one judge mentioned, "I also can't really picture those wedges at a wedding. but it fits the description well."
Tripmywire-So I must say, great comeback from the last two weeks. You always do better when you think you're going to blow it, don't you? Well, anyway, for being anti-wedding you sure pulled off the beachy look nicely. The two sets meld together very well, though each one can stand alone. One judge did mention though, " I wouldn’t necessarily say that all the accessories of the bride fit, but she’s a hippie and who cares. I really would love to be a bridesmaid of this wedding…but I don’t know if it’s a good or a bad thing that the bridesmaids look better than the bride?!"
Ellie-Somehow, I think you were in a rush when you did this. When I fist show the pictures of the peacock wedding placings, I was very excieted at out perfect they fit your bride, even if magenta was not one of your colors.But, in the final presentation, it all fell flat...with a crazy, rich fashionista, you could've done something bold and grand...2 sets weren't necissary, and they didn't exactly compliment each other. Great shoes, but I can exactly see what's going on with the dress. Putting it all into one set probably would've helped you a great deal.
Man. It's so nice to get these done so quickly.
Anyway, back to business. Good news first.Lessee.
Incubeautee and Tripmywire! Guess what?
You are the top two.
But only one of you can win.
And so, who will it be?
You are the winner of the epic wedding challenge!
Good show my dear!
You feel that warm swelling pride? Because that is your prize. It's must too close to the end for immunity.
Thanks very much Incubeautee as well. Can't wait to see what else you come up for us.
Oh, and hey, BBGal. You're in two.
Which means you're part of the final 4.
Awesome, right?
However, what is not so...awesome, is what we must do now.
One of you is out.
You are...
Which means, Ellie, you are out.
We are so sad to see you go my dear. But I am so proud that you stuck with us this far and came all this way. It's a fricking long journey, isn't it? We hope you had a good time, and will stick around with us behind the scenes.
Thank you everyone!
Now, before I let you go.
Could you please click the above link and join this group if you have not already. Some of your favorite people have put it together for one and all. =]
And I'll see you around.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Challenge 9 Entries
![[PP3] She said, love's not just a picture in a book. [PP3] She said, love's not just a picture in a book.](
[PP3] She said, love's not just a picture in a book. by beyond.these.walls [away] featuring Red Herring shoes
gave my bride a name... Marie. I thought it fit her. :) Marie wanted a traditional wedding. She loved lace and butterflies, and her colors were ivory, white, and light blue. So I gave Marie an ivory lace wedding dress, with matching pumps. She also wore an ivory flower headband, a pearl necklace, and a butterfly ring. Of course, we can't forget the wedding rings, which were simple yet elegant. The tablecloths for the reception were lace, with light blue plates and the silverware I added as well. Flowers were light blue hydrangeas, and the bridesmaids wore light blue dresses. There were little butterflies scattered around the tables and such, because they looked pretty. I also included the song Sweet Release by New Grass Revival, because I've always thought it would be a perfect wedding song. :)

If you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud. by EtchaSketchinLola featuring Amsale dresses
Zees is supposed to be a "Victorian Romanticism" themed wedding, however I haven't the faintest clue as to what that is. I included cameos and a dress with a victorian neck and poofy skirt. [There's also a cameo bracelet that was very hard to work with hidden near the shoes.] I did not include a purse, because honestly.. who walks down the aisle with a YSL tote dangling off their shoulder? No one.
Doesn't JRM seem like the perfect groom to this bride?
This took 2 hours and it's complete crap.. Woopdie frickin doo.
So, here is my bride's description.
Your bride is ecectric and and unconventional. She does NOT want a traditional white dress, and perfably something short and sweet. She enjoys live music, tatoos, and roses, and wants to be sure to include her costume jewlery. Her color pallette is purple, silver, and gold.
The bride and groom got wedding tattoos on their ring fingers. There was a live band that played the soundtrack to their love affair, which included:
All My Life - Jodeci
Underneath It All - No Doubt
Swing Life Away - Rise Against
Amber - 311
And the gets went home with temporary (or real ones for the hardcore guests) tattoos of words like "Carpe Diem" & "Amour".
[PP3] She said, love's not just a picture in a book. by beyond.these.walls [away] featuring Red Herring shoes
gave my bride a name... Marie. I thought it fit her. :) Marie wanted a traditional wedding. She loved lace and butterflies, and her colors were ivory, white, and light blue. So I gave Marie an ivory lace wedding dress, with matching pumps. She also wore an ivory flower headband, a pearl necklace, and a butterfly ring. Of course, we can't forget the wedding rings, which were simple yet elegant. The tablecloths for the reception were lace, with light blue plates and the silverware I added as well. Flowers were light blue hydrangeas, and the bridesmaids wore light blue dresses. There were little butterflies scattered around the tables and such, because they looked pretty. I also included the song Sweet Release by New Grass Revival, because I've always thought it would be a perfect wedding song. :)
If you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud. by EtchaSketchinLola featuring Amsale dresses
Zees is supposed to be a "Victorian Romanticism" themed wedding, however I haven't the faintest clue as to what that is. I included cameos and a dress with a victorian neck and poofy skirt. [There's also a cameo bracelet that was very hard to work with hidden near the shoes.] I did not include a purse, because honestly.. who walks down the aisle with a YSL tote dangling off their shoulder? No one.
Doesn't JRM seem like the perfect groom to this bride?
This took 2 hours and it's complete crap.. Woopdie frickin doo.
So, here is my bride's description.
Your bride is ecectric and and unconventional. She does NOT want a traditional white dress, and perfably something short and sweet. She enjoys live music, tatoos, and roses, and wants to be sure to include her costume jewlery. Her color pallette is purple, silver, and gold.
The bride and groom got wedding tattoos on their ring fingers. There was a live band that played the soundtrack to their love affair, which included:
All My Life - Jodeci
Underneath It All - No Doubt
Swing Life Away - Rise Against
Amber - 311
And the gets went home with temporary (or real ones for the hardcore guests) tattoos of words like "Carpe Diem" & "Amour".
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