I SWEAR PEOPLE, I am never using blogger for an online contest ever ever again!
It just decides when it feels like loading for you. Blah!
So. Anyway. Welcome back everyone for the 3rd to last time until the very exciting final collections. It seemed you girlies had all kinds of fun this week, and for that I'm glad.
But the fun stops here.
Let's recap why challenge 8 was such a hoot:
Not to be confused with a few queens you guys worked with last challenge, this week you will be assigned an all new breed of client-Drag Queens! That's right, men dressing up as crazily extravagent women. There is not possible way you can play this challenge safe and come out okay-there must be decedence! Wearability is not so much a concern here. The goal is to capture the persona of your 'client' and go crazy.
You will be using woman's clothing for this challenge. Size, proportioning, all that is unnecissary, as long as that certain dragalicious vibe is still there...Don't forget to include makeup and a wig!
Honestly, everyone did much better than I feared. I don't know how you 6 possibly came up with sets for drag queens, but you did, and it was magnificent.
On the bright side, everyone made it this week. On the not-so-peachy side, one of you will be eliminated this morning.
Lets get on with critique!
The Bradlo-So, you have a wig, and a dress, and a white boot and they all are so perfect for a go-go-dancer drag queen named Marsha Mellow. But in the execution we feel you fell short. Yes, make-up is important in this challenge, but the way you presented it to us was a bit overwhelming and that visually appealing. It's not that it's a terrible set by any means, its just that we talked about space and balance for weeks now and we feel this late in the game it could be better. As one judge said, "It looks like you're hiding something from us. I wanna see! I wanna see!"
Lola-Out of all the contestants, we feel you did the best job getting that insane drag queen look down. The outfit is so crazy and wild and perfect! Your character you had is being played out really well, and it seems like you had a lot of fun doing it. Your layout is a little lopsided, at least compared to some of your other sets, which I think mostly had something to do with the heart clutch being in the right cornor and that being the only red thing. It works in the overall outfit, though. Keep it up!
Incubeautee-You always have such an excellent eye for detail, from the pies to the manequin husbands, its brilliant! Although your outfit, maybe besides the glittery shoes and the pagent/southern church in the 1950s costume feel, isn't the most...insane and drag-a-licious, this was made up for by your near perfect layout and hilarious creativity. With the right mix and placement of colors, you have done a great job of making what should've been a cluttered set incredibly visually appealing, at least I think so.
Ellie-We all the love Marie Antionette route-there's a lot of Over-the-top to work with there. The items you chose were great, though maybe a little soft dor Drag, worked for the theme [one judge does think lingerie would've been a great additon, and I agree.] What all the judges agree on is this is not your best layout. You have done mosaic beautifully in the past, but for whatever reason this one feels disjointed, a bit unbalanced. We think that it's the size and amount of items-there's nothing to achor the set in any direction, and our eyes get a bit overwhelmed jumping from place to place.
BBGal Well, I'm really proud of you because I think you are really listening to critiques regarding layout, and i like this wider one much better. Any other challenge this outfit would've belonged on a stripperl, but here you did a good job making a drag disco queen [I'm especially digging the shoes.]. Although one judge feels its a little sterotypical and expected, and another judge still wasn't so sure about the tiny nature of the left side of the set, I do feel you are imrpoving. Keep experimenting!
Tripmywire-Through the compition you have always been a strong competitor, but we feel your set this week falls short of your potential. As a judge said, "I think I see where she’s coming from, and maybe didn’t want to do the expected…but this is too safe." We feel that although a drag queen could wear this, so could a celebrity vixen. ""All in all, a good looking set, but it lacks the queer factor." The shoes are fun and the dress sparkles and the wig goes very well with your client, but we feel this is rushed and that goes for the layout too,which is a tad lopsided and unfinished.
Although I announced last week that immunity will no longer be rewarded, there will still be a winner tonight who can take home the happy warm feeling of do just that much better than the others.
and BBGal.
One of you three will be taking home the cake.
You have not one, but keep it up, my dear. We're so close now!
Lola, Incubeautee...
And the winner isss...
Congrats on your second win, my dear. We loved your set.
And Lola, not so shabby your selve. Can't wait to see what you do for us next week.
And so, with out much more blahblahblah
and Bradlo.
one of you will be eliminated from Project Polyvore.
You are safe for another round. Try to find the right balance.
The Bradlo.
We are so sorry, but you have been eliminated from the compition.
Be proud of how far you made it though! From 20 to the top 6. We'll miss you here and hope you stick around. If you'd like to help out with judges, feel free to contact me.
Tripmywire, you have another chance to wow us. We hope to see more of you next week.
Thank you both.
And thank you all! I can't believe how close to the end we are. It's really...mind boggling.
But, until then, I'll see you all shortly
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Challenge 8 Entries
The Bradlo
Marsha The Marshmallow, she's a man and a go go dancer

I'm the latina Marilyn Monroe. I've got more legs than a bucket of chicken! by EtchaSketchinLola featuring Giuseppe Zanotti shoes
Best way to describe this set: "You look like the Miami Sound Machine just exploded all over you."
Best way to describe Felicia Fellatio: "I'm a princess. "P" to the "R" to the "N" to the "cess". I'm a princess"
Best way to describe the drag queen scene: When a straight man puts on a dress and goes on a sexual kick he is a transvestite. When a man is a woman trapped in a man's body and has a little operation he is a Transsexual. When a gay man has way too much fashion sense for one gender he is a drag queen. And when a tired little Latin boy puts on a dress, he is simply a boy in a dress!
Best lines in To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar:
--So as soon as we get to the next town I am jumping on the first man and riding him all the way to New York City and away from you two puckered up, stuck up putas 'cause this trip sucks! It sucks!
--Noxeema Jackson: That might be all fine and dandy but still have a lot more to learn before you become a full fledged Queen, my dear.
Miss Chi-Chi Rodriguez: Can't I just stay a princess they're so much younger than Queens

Got a different boy every day of the week by Incubeautee[nvr can say goodbye] featuring Miu Miu shoes
The challenge was to make an outfit for a DRAG QUEEN.
My Queenie - Sharon Husbands, The Southern Sweetheart
I think the set is self explanatory. I wanted to capture that sweet southern belle mixed with a hint of classic Stepford Wife. I incorporated a few sweets (cupcake purse, candy skull ring - skull because she does have a bad side) into the set to play up the "sweetheart" theme. And whats the south without a Georgia peach (blush) and a little peach cobbler. And of course I had to add her husbands in there because whats Sharon Husbands without a few good (or should i say PERFECT because they are mannequins) men? Why mannequins? You may not want to know why lolz. 2 words Sex(y) Dolls.
Zsa Zsa LaHore, the french dancer
Bera Breast, the disco queen.
P.ussy Golitely, the kitty kat.
Marsha The Marshmallow, she's a man and a go go dancer
I'm the latina Marilyn Monroe. I've got more legs than a bucket of chicken! by EtchaSketchinLola featuring Giuseppe Zanotti shoes
Best way to describe this set: "You look like the Miami Sound Machine just exploded all over you."
Best way to describe Felicia Fellatio: "I'm a princess. "P" to the "R" to the "N" to the "cess". I'm a princess"
Best way to describe the drag queen scene: When a straight man puts on a dress and goes on a sexual kick he is a transvestite. When a man is a woman trapped in a man's body and has a little operation he is a Transsexual. When a gay man has way too much fashion sense for one gender he is a drag queen. And when a tired little Latin boy puts on a dress, he is simply a boy in a dress!
Best lines in To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar:
--So as soon as we get to the next town I am jumping on the first man and riding him all the way to New York City and away from you two puckered up, stuck up putas 'cause this trip sucks! It sucks!
--Noxeema Jackson: That might be all fine and dandy but still have a lot more to learn before you become a full fledged Queen, my dear.
Miss Chi-Chi Rodriguez: Can't I just stay a princess they're so much younger than Queens
Got a different boy every day of the week by Incubeautee[nvr can say goodbye] featuring Miu Miu shoes
The challenge was to make an outfit for a DRAG QUEEN.
My Queenie - Sharon Husbands, The Southern Sweetheart
I think the set is self explanatory. I wanted to capture that sweet southern belle mixed with a hint of classic Stepford Wife. I incorporated a few sweets (cupcake purse, candy skull ring - skull because she does have a bad side) into the set to play up the "sweetheart" theme. And whats the south without a Georgia peach (blush) and a little peach cobbler. And of course I had to add her husbands in there because whats Sharon Husbands without a few good (or should i say PERFECT because they are mannequins) men? Why mannequins? You may not want to know why lolz. 2 words Sex(y) Dolls.
Zsa Zsa LaHore, the french dancer
Bera Breast, the disco queen.
P.ussy Golitely, the kitty kat.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Challenge 7 Results
Hello everyone and welcome back.
Last time we talked I asked the 8 remaining contestants to restyle a historical figure for the modern world.
6 of you did. Manda droped the compition, and Mandy was disqualified.
And I must say, for the first time, you all truely have done better than I expected.
Because there are only 6 of you left, we're going to do things different.
We're going to cut the dramatics and go straight to the critique. You will all be lumped together, from here on out, no more Top or Bottom.
The Bradlo- You had Marie Ationette, which could've been really easy [lots of inspiration, already established as a fashionable lady of her time] or really difficult [many people have already done Marie Antionette inspired sets...], and I'm not exactly sure how this went for you. While the pieces you chose definately gave of the right vibe, and was modern eough, there was nothing particuarly exciting about it-it does't quite capture the extravagence that the age was known for. To keep Marie interesting, you should've thrown in something more unexpected in with the sort of flouncy girly pieces. A jacket of somesort would've workwell for this set-maybe a print one to add more interest to the over all presentation. Layouts doing alright-the items come off a little clunky when they're that large, but good job finding a different color border-a black one would've probably brought your score down.
Incubeautee-I'm really excited about this set because when I put May West on the list, I didn't know much about her either, and I think that may be part of the reason why I like this so much. The other reason is I think this is one of your better, if not best layouts, though not all the judges get it. With models you have to be careful...they either work of they dont, and although I think the dress was a great modern update and worked nicely with a fur stole, a couple judges weren't feeling it. What most of us agreed on though was that there was something about the size and placement and number of acessories on one side that gave it a sort of lopside appearance, and I do see where they are coming from on this.
Tripmywire-This is a really sort of expected fashionable aviator look, and the problem is we allways expect the more unexpected from you. Every single piece does make sense, though, and I think you really do pay attention to what you're putting in there-really enjoyed the pants, the cuff, and we all agreed the glasses and bag were great [the bag is like a parachute! Perfect!]. But there's just something about this that lacks your usual spark...and this goes for layout too. I think this has something to do with a'center point' and yours...doesn't really have one. Making some items smaller and larger would've probably helped this a lot.
Ellie- I can't believe I forgot to tell you wich Queen Elizabeth to do-I had originally meant the first, but chose number two because I thought it was a very nice layout and more judges would get it. Your outfit is a great, youthful update, yet still in vein with the sort of retro-posh styles she enjoys [at least, so I got the impression from reading those links you provided. Very nice touch.], though one judge did say "In terms of practicality, since you are the only one whose muse is still alive, I don't think Her Majesty would be walking around in a pencil skirt -- or maybe not that particular one -- in 2009." It might not be the most intriguing outfit, but we all agree that it was very cute.
Lola -This is your best set in a long while, I must say! At least, most of the judges think so...Though, truth be told, I had to stare at it all for a while before I really got how you interpreted Joan of Arc in this, but, it clicked after a bit. And it is a very cool interpretation of Joan while still being very, oblivously you. Juges either didn't get it or were totally in love with it. AS one said: It "sends out the right message, though bordering on being Madonna-esque." Perhaps this is in the gloves, belt, and all the religous jewlery? Hmm...maybe Madonna was Joan of Arc in her past life [makes sense doesn't it?']. What makes this your best set in a while though is that for once all the crazy colors actually manage to flow well in the overall presentation, and not as scrunched up as some previously were getting. Keep it, up.
BBGal-Like Lola, this is also, I think, your best set in a long while. I was really interested to see how you would capture Queen Victoria, and I think you a nice job with this sort of victorian era elegence, yet kept modern by the cut of the dress and amazing shoes. As one judge says "She really surprised me in a positive way. It represents the era, but at the same time it’s a modern outfit. I see it being worn by someone with eclectic taste but a great sense of fashion." Its good to see soft colors from you! Like Incubeautee, you used quite a bit of jewlery and made it quite tiny, and although its getting much better, it still can be a little...confusing to look at. Mostly just because I don't see how everything should be worn. It probably wouldn't work in real life, but here, it's kinda lovely.
PS: I hope my critiques are coherant enough and aren't too conflicting...I try to represent the majority of judge opinion as best I can, but its hard when one liked and another didn't. So take what you will from them. And use it to your best advatange in the coming rounds. We are down to the nitty gritty people!
And speaking of nitty gritty...
Only one of you lovely ladies can be the winner tonight.
Will Incubeautee
and Ellie
er, come forward.
Mentally. =D
I was a close shave but you have not won...
Ellie, Lola...
You are the winner, you crazy child!
Good show this week! Keep popping out entries like this and you might just make it to that top.
Because guess what! No more immunity from here on out. Lola, you are in as much danger as the others next week, so don't go slacking now. Please take with you the warm fuzzy feeling that comes from winning challenges. =D
And that you too Ellie. Same goes for you, keeping-it-up-wise.
Now. Who does that leave us with.
Ah, yes.
And the Brad
You had lower scores than the other three...
And this would be about the time when I get my dramatic voice on and proclaim that one of you will be out, and then proceed with the suspenseful dots of doom, but as you can probably tell, I'm in a rather humerous mood this fine early evening, and we will not be bothering with that this round.
Yup. All 3 of you are still in for Challenge 8.
I'm sure you probably figured that out when both Manda and Mandy were missing this week[s]. Had there only been one drop, we would've carried on as usual, but 2 people and I just don't have the heart to kick out another.
So congradulations all of you!
I promise next challenge won't be as easy. Wait till you scroll down a bit and see what's in store!
And until than, thank you everyone!
Last time we talked I asked the 8 remaining contestants to restyle a historical figure for the modern world.
6 of you did. Manda droped the compition, and Mandy was disqualified.
And I must say, for the first time, you all truely have done better than I expected.
Because there are only 6 of you left, we're going to do things different.
We're going to cut the dramatics and go straight to the critique. You will all be lumped together, from here on out, no more Top or Bottom.
The Bradlo- You had Marie Ationette, which could've been really easy [lots of inspiration, already established as a fashionable lady of her time] or really difficult [many people have already done Marie Antionette inspired sets...], and I'm not exactly sure how this went for you. While the pieces you chose definately gave of the right vibe, and was modern eough, there was nothing particuarly exciting about it-it does't quite capture the extravagence that the age was known for. To keep Marie interesting, you should've thrown in something more unexpected in with the sort of flouncy girly pieces. A jacket of somesort would've workwell for this set-maybe a print one to add more interest to the over all presentation. Layouts doing alright-the items come off a little clunky when they're that large, but good job finding a different color border-a black one would've probably brought your score down.
Incubeautee-I'm really excited about this set because when I put May West on the list, I didn't know much about her either, and I think that may be part of the reason why I like this so much. The other reason is I think this is one of your better, if not best layouts, though not all the judges get it. With models you have to be careful...they either work of they dont, and although I think the dress was a great modern update and worked nicely with a fur stole, a couple judges weren't feeling it. What most of us agreed on though was that there was something about the size and placement and number of acessories on one side that gave it a sort of lopside appearance, and I do see where they are coming from on this.
Tripmywire-This is a really sort of expected fashionable aviator look, and the problem is we allways expect the more unexpected from you. Every single piece does make sense, though, and I think you really do pay attention to what you're putting in there-really enjoyed the pants, the cuff, and we all agreed the glasses and bag were great [the bag is like a parachute! Perfect!]. But there's just something about this that lacks your usual spark...and this goes for layout too. I think this has something to do with a'center point' and yours...doesn't really have one. Making some items smaller and larger would've probably helped this a lot.
Ellie- I can't believe I forgot to tell you wich Queen Elizabeth to do-I had originally meant the first, but chose number two because I thought it was a very nice layout and more judges would get it. Your outfit is a great, youthful update, yet still in vein with the sort of retro-posh styles she enjoys [at least, so I got the impression from reading those links you provided. Very nice touch.], though one judge did say "In terms of practicality, since you are the only one whose muse is still alive, I don't think Her Majesty would be walking around in a pencil skirt -- or maybe not that particular one -- in 2009." It might not be the most intriguing outfit, but we all agree that it was very cute.
Lola -This is your best set in a long while, I must say! At least, most of the judges think so...Though, truth be told, I had to stare at it all for a while before I really got how you interpreted Joan of Arc in this, but, it clicked after a bit. And it is a very cool interpretation of Joan while still being very, oblivously you. Juges either didn't get it or were totally in love with it. AS one said: It "sends out the right message, though bordering on being Madonna-esque." Perhaps this is in the gloves, belt, and all the religous jewlery? Hmm...maybe Madonna was Joan of Arc in her past life [makes sense doesn't it?']. What makes this your best set in a while though is that for once all the crazy colors actually manage to flow well in the overall presentation, and not as scrunched up as some previously were getting. Keep it, up.
BBGal-Like Lola, this is also, I think, your best set in a long while. I was really interested to see how you would capture Queen Victoria, and I think you a nice job with this sort of victorian era elegence, yet kept modern by the cut of the dress and amazing shoes. As one judge says "She really surprised me in a positive way. It represents the era, but at the same time it’s a modern outfit. I see it being worn by someone with eclectic taste but a great sense of fashion." Its good to see soft colors from you! Like Incubeautee, you used quite a bit of jewlery and made it quite tiny, and although its getting much better, it still can be a little...confusing to look at. Mostly just because I don't see how everything should be worn. It probably wouldn't work in real life, but here, it's kinda lovely.
PS: I hope my critiques are coherant enough and aren't too conflicting...I try to represent the majority of judge opinion as best I can, but its hard when one liked and another didn't. So take what you will from them. And use it to your best advatange in the coming rounds. We are down to the nitty gritty people!
And speaking of nitty gritty...
Only one of you lovely ladies can be the winner tonight.
Will Incubeautee
and Ellie
er, come forward.
Mentally. =D
I was a close shave but you have not won...
Ellie, Lola...
You are the winner, you crazy child!
Good show this week! Keep popping out entries like this and you might just make it to that top.
Because guess what! No more immunity from here on out. Lola, you are in as much danger as the others next week, so don't go slacking now. Please take with you the warm fuzzy feeling that comes from winning challenges. =D
And that you too Ellie. Same goes for you, keeping-it-up-wise.
Now. Who does that leave us with.
Ah, yes.
And the Brad
You had lower scores than the other three...
And this would be about the time when I get my dramatic voice on and proclaim that one of you will be out, and then proceed with the suspenseful dots of doom, but as you can probably tell, I'm in a rather humerous mood this fine early evening, and we will not be bothering with that this round.
Yup. All 3 of you are still in for Challenge 8.
I'm sure you probably figured that out when both Manda and Mandy were missing this week[s]. Had there only been one drop, we would've carried on as usual, but 2 people and I just don't have the heart to kick out another.
So congradulations all of you!
I promise next challenge won't be as easy. Wait till you scroll down a bit and see what's in store!
And until than, thank you everyone!
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