The Bradlo
"Before Marilyn and before Madonna, there was Mae West, Hollywood's first superstar sex symbol and the original blonde bombshell."(
After reading a bunch of her quotes, I am a newly proclaimed Mae West fan.
I wanted the outfit to exude sexiness & glamor with a touch of vintage flair. I used a body con dress (which is a very popular style now a days) in smokin' hot lipstick red lace. I accessorized with fur, satin, gold, pearls, and gems to give it that movie star glamor. I also included a veil top hat which is a cute, modified modern day version of those extravagant hats that Mae would wear.
I also included some music from Fiona Apple and Christina Aguilera. Fiona because she has that classic bluesy tone & style of voice like Mae West. And Christina because she often dresses up in that old movie star glamor style. Both songs are about men/romance/love which was the same topic that Mae West's comedic material was made up of.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Challenge 6 Results
Mrph. I've so been out of it lately, at least with the interwebs; not to mention connections of all sorts have been screwy the past couple days, people are off on vacation, and most my judges never reply. SO for all the reasons I apologise for procrastinating and continuously taking forever to get to these result posts.
Really though, this is still the Fastest Cycle ever. I reckon we could be done by the end of summer. Previously it took 5 months!
Recap of Challenge Six: Challenge 6-This is a pretty straight forward challenge that you're probably all familiar with-the Polyvore Scavenger Hunt! That's right, with the help of Lovelierlala, I've compiled a list of 16 items-
NO MORE NO LESS. Every item must be used in the set, and you can not include anything off the list. The goal is to get you guys to experiment with layout styles more, how to incooporate and balance items together. Do something you've never done before! Please!
So here are the items:
[First 5 were Lala's, all the rest are mine...]
1. something your mother would have worn when she was your age.
2. an item from your first set (the first that is still published so we can check).
3. a pair of shoes you normally wouldn't wear.
4. a top from your favorite store or brand.
5. something you can't truly live without.
6. A song by your friend's favorite band.
7. something from my own poly-closet
8. a gossip-girl-esque headband.
9. A jacket fit for a rock star
10. a piece of jewelry that reminds you of a movie or tv show.
11. your favorite quote.
12. Something purple
13. a bottom from your least favorite brand or store
14. A picture from foto_decadent. [ ]
15. a food or food type you have never tried.
16. something that inspires you.
Now that we're getting down to the finals, entries are getting closer and closer-and finally in the good way! It's harder for us to judge and eliminate you know...
You all did well...some of you combined items-like your number 12 was also your number 9, or whatever...I never said that you couldn't, but I did say no more or less than the 16 items.
PS: Creativity was HARD to judge for this...we're mostly going to concentrate on how well you combined and presented everything...
Other than that...let's get to critiques...
You three are in the safety zone.
Highest to Lowest
[I'll be posting judges comments like done a couple challenges ago...One of the judges only contributed comments this week, so I couldn't include her scores with the tallies, since she had none...but I thought it be fair to include the comments. =] ]
Mandy-"This is such a calming set…it eases me, lovely to watch at for a long period of time I think the nude top does the trick...and then combined with those lovely sneakers (love the pattern as well), the pastel colored headband, the contacts holder, the “not really” purple bag (I forgive you), the elephant, and the raspberries. It’s all so lovely and perfect for this season. However, I don’t know if the outfit combines will really work, but the layout is just pretty"
"A word of advice: Avoid the mannequins. You can't do anything with them. I'm confused. Nothing goes together and it looks funny. :\ Use of whitespace: A-, Balance: C+. It looks a little odd."
I disagree with the second judge's comments. A lot. Though the outfit-mostly the shoes with that top-may be something strange and not quite 'fashionable', you were one of the tops in color balance. This, for me, is the key to a good scavenger hunt set. And anyway, I dig the mannequin look. It's your thing.
Lola-"She was also running for top three. The outfit is super lovely, but some of the items, like the lollipops don’t really match the matchymatchiness of the outfit and colorscheme"
"Clashy clashy clashy! The skirt is way too busy for this set. I think I get the idea? [On creativity] Nothing special. Nothing bad."
The initial outfit works very well-that is, the jacket, the shirt, the skirt, the show, the bag. It's all those rainbow colored middle items that are throwing us off. And like many others tonight, they're all hidden up in the middle...
Incubeatee-"Love it, great layout…and hooray no leather jacket. Sorry girls, but she was a bit more original with the blazer. I also like the quirkiness of the outfit, I think it’s eclectic but the headband pulls the blue together and the shoes and bag will work as real fashion pieces. Great use of the overall space, I love love love perfect squares"
" I like the dress and the jacket combo! The shoe... not so much. All together it's kind of strange, but not bad. Too much! Too much! Overload![On layout]"
I definately see some great things coming out of you, like coming up with another solution to rock star jacket than leather, as the first judge mentioned, but with so many items it does tend to get lost...
Thanks, dears. See you on the otherside.
But the question is, who will be there with you?
Who won't...
The Bradlo
Have the highest and lowest scores this week
and one of you
will be eliminated from the compition...
But in the meantime...
represent the highest this week.
Tripmywire-"I just think this was an adorable outfit, I’m a bit distrected by all the white, but I often have lots of white in my own sets so don’t listen to me I think the outfit will work for sure in real life. Well thought through…points for that!"
"You pull off indie-chic very well! Was not expecting this from you. Much better than last time."
Yes, greatly improved from the slump into the bottom last week, my dear! Out of all of them, as an outfit you pulled it off the best in terms of wearablilty AND choesiveness. You managed to make American Eagle look appealing and I don't even feel compelled to give you my sushi speech =D
Manda-"It’s good enough for the next round, no winner no loser. Layout can be improved"
"I'm not as keen on the boot. It's eclectic and plaid and awesome. Everything is bunched together. Where are the bottoms?"
For me, you were one of the better ones at combining all the required items into a cohesive set..but it is getting a little bunchy...this probably has something to do with the placement of the top quote...all the little items are lost underneath. But while they're hard to see and verging of mix-matchy, they somehow all flow together alright. I'm also not sure how all the outfit pieces-the jacket+the flannel+ the shirt- would work IRL.
Ellie-"She should be happy she isn’t in my bottom three, or that there were three sets I disliked more. It’s not a pretty set, it’s too chaotic for my taste. Too much going on in the left with the outfit on the right. Not balanced."
"Heyyyyo! This is so much better than your usual... I just think it's awesome, that's all. You're still using too much stuff, though. If only a couple of the background images were removed, it would be so much better."
But of course, you had to include everything...I'm more with the first judge, you're mosaics were just so nice, I was suprised you went in this direction! On the otherhand, you had really nice outfit underneath the madness, though I may be biased because of the Kurt top...maybe a lot. =] But still, I like that the jacket wasn't BLACK and nice shoes...
You have not won...
but I think you're improving as the weeks go on. Can't wait to see what's next. =]
Ellie, Tripmywire...
One of you...
is the challenge winner.
Excellent come back, dear. Really great stuff!
You have recieved immunity for next week and can submitt any sort of something and still be alright.
And thanks Ellie, too. Not so shabby yourself...
The Bradlo
and Sarah.
You guessed it.
You three, unfortunately, represent the lowest three scores.
The Bradlo-"I don’t wanna say it…but I miss the border Hmm, she kept it for so long in this competition, even after we sometimes said we didn’t like it. And NOW she decides to get rid of it, a shame. I feel it’s more chaotic now. I think it fails predominantly in the lay-out. Also a shame I can’t see the top"
"I like this. But the skirt is from TopShop. You didn't follow all the rules. Not bad, not bad at all. [On creativity. What happened to your other layout. That one was much better."
I think you're sort of lost without your border, but I'm glad you tried something else, if only to make us realize how much it was working for ya. Digging deeper, I think I see how you interpretted bottoms from a place you don't like, so I don't know if it's still against the rules, but honestly that's not the penelty here...the layout is just SO choatic, there's no real sense of balance and the large items-namely the drink-are just distracting and unflattering. Outfit's not bad, but it's not shown off in a very pleasing way...
BBGal- "pink and black together is no longer in fashion, I’m sorry. The layout doesn’t work as well. Really bad round for her, looks as if she didn’t put any effort or joy in it. I always find scavenger hunts joyful, this set doesn’t look like she had fun"
"It's bordering a bit on the scene side, but I would do the same thing. It's so... casual. But it works. Use all of your white space. That's what it's for." the's really not awful-I love that skirt, and the jacket, and the shoes, but all together and the way you have it in the layout it appears rather clunky. The blet is what's throwing it all out of whack, I think. Creavity wise, this is much better than last week. There's a way to use white space and still have a very effective layout...and I think you know how to do it...but all the little items crawling up the side here are just not balancing anything out quite properly with the heavy other items.
Sarah-"I’m missing some color, where’s the purple item. But on the other hand I like how she interpreted something purple and choose the book; you better watch this girl . I also like that there’s a story with the shirt, yet I don’t think it should have needed three pics of it. Now she didn’t leave enough room to show the undies (how tiny, seriously), just the overall outfit gets squashed in the right because of the shirt. Not good"
" From what I can see... it's still on the boring side, though. Wow, your mother must be a strong person. I wish this set would match. This is a hot mess. Why so messy?"
Lots of items don't seem to be your thing...and that's cool, but here it's important to go out of that comfort zone and make it work. Personally, I enjoy this set alone. But I also think that week to week we're expecting so much more out of you that's it's becoming all the same note...I swear I've seen this white tank+shorts+jacket combo before, and before I said it was a cool outfit, it's just rather...uninspired. Well, with the exception of something your mother wore. It was nice to see something powerful, besides 80's tack. Other things were also interpretted well...just very messy in the end.
And so...which must go?
The Bradlo..
You're safe once again.
But Sarah, BBGal...
one of you is not...
And it was a bitch juding this... has to be done...
I am so so so sorry....
You have been eliminated from project polyvore.
We hate to see you go, love. You really came a long way.
And if you'd like to stick around in the competition, I could really REALLY use some more judges...
Thanks BBGal. You have another chance to impress us...
And thanks everyone and see you soon enough and GOOD NIGHT.
Really though, this is still the Fastest Cycle ever. I reckon we could be done by the end of summer. Previously it took 5 months!
Recap of Challenge Six: Challenge 6-This is a pretty straight forward challenge that you're probably all familiar with-the Polyvore Scavenger Hunt! That's right, with the help of Lovelierlala, I've compiled a list of 16 items-
NO MORE NO LESS. Every item must be used in the set, and you can not include anything off the list. The goal is to get you guys to experiment with layout styles more, how to incooporate and balance items together. Do something you've never done before! Please!
So here are the items:
[First 5 were Lala's, all the rest are mine...]
1. something your mother would have worn when she was your age.
2. an item from your first set (the first that is still published so we can check).
3. a pair of shoes you normally wouldn't wear.
4. a top from your favorite store or brand.
5. something you can't truly live without.
6. A song by your friend's favorite band.
7. something from my own poly-closet
8. a gossip-girl-esque headband.
9. A jacket fit for a rock star
10. a piece of jewelry that reminds you of a movie or tv show.
11. your favorite quote.
12. Something purple
13. a bottom from your least favorite brand or store
14. A picture from foto_decadent. [ ]
15. a food or food type you have never tried.
16. something that inspires you.
Now that we're getting down to the finals, entries are getting closer and closer-and finally in the good way! It's harder for us to judge and eliminate you know...
You all did well...some of you combined items-like your number 12 was also your number 9, or whatever...I never said that you couldn't, but I did say no more or less than the 16 items.
PS: Creativity was HARD to judge for this...we're mostly going to concentrate on how well you combined and presented everything...
Other than that...let's get to critiques...
You three are in the safety zone.
Highest to Lowest
[I'll be posting judges comments like done a couple challenges ago...One of the judges only contributed comments this week, so I couldn't include her scores with the tallies, since she had none...but I thought it be fair to include the comments. =] ]
Mandy-"This is such a calming set…it eases me, lovely to watch at for a long period of time I think the nude top does the trick...and then combined with those lovely sneakers (love the pattern as well), the pastel colored headband, the contacts holder, the “not really” purple bag (I forgive you), the elephant, and the raspberries. It’s all so lovely and perfect for this season. However, I don’t know if the outfit combines will really work, but the layout is just pretty"
"A word of advice: Avoid the mannequins. You can't do anything with them. I'm confused. Nothing goes together and it looks funny. :\ Use of whitespace: A-, Balance: C+. It looks a little odd."
I disagree with the second judge's comments. A lot. Though the outfit-mostly the shoes with that top-may be something strange and not quite 'fashionable', you were one of the tops in color balance. This, for me, is the key to a good scavenger hunt set. And anyway, I dig the mannequin look. It's your thing.
Lola-"She was also running for top three. The outfit is super lovely, but some of the items, like the lollipops don’t really match the matchymatchiness of the outfit and colorscheme"
"Clashy clashy clashy! The skirt is way too busy for this set. I think I get the idea? [On creativity] Nothing special. Nothing bad."
The initial outfit works very well-that is, the jacket, the shirt, the skirt, the show, the bag. It's all those rainbow colored middle items that are throwing us off. And like many others tonight, they're all hidden up in the middle...
Incubeatee-"Love it, great layout…and hooray no leather jacket. Sorry girls, but she was a bit more original with the blazer. I also like the quirkiness of the outfit, I think it’s eclectic but the headband pulls the blue together and the shoes and bag will work as real fashion pieces. Great use of the overall space, I love love love perfect squares"
" I like the dress and the jacket combo! The shoe... not so much. All together it's kind of strange, but not bad. Too much! Too much! Overload![On layout]"
I definately see some great things coming out of you, like coming up with another solution to rock star jacket than leather, as the first judge mentioned, but with so many items it does tend to get lost...
Thanks, dears. See you on the otherside.
But the question is, who will be there with you?
Who won't...
The Bradlo
Have the highest and lowest scores this week
and one of you
will be eliminated from the compition...
But in the meantime...
represent the highest this week.
Tripmywire-"I just think this was an adorable outfit, I’m a bit distrected by all the white, but I often have lots of white in my own sets so don’t listen to me I think the outfit will work for sure in real life. Well thought through…points for that!"
"You pull off indie-chic very well! Was not expecting this from you. Much better than last time."
Yes, greatly improved from the slump into the bottom last week, my dear! Out of all of them, as an outfit you pulled it off the best in terms of wearablilty AND choesiveness. You managed to make American Eagle look appealing and I don't even feel compelled to give you my sushi speech =D
Manda-"It’s good enough for the next round, no winner no loser. Layout can be improved"
"I'm not as keen on the boot. It's eclectic and plaid and awesome. Everything is bunched together. Where are the bottoms?"
For me, you were one of the better ones at combining all the required items into a cohesive set..but it is getting a little bunchy...this probably has something to do with the placement of the top quote...all the little items are lost underneath. But while they're hard to see and verging of mix-matchy, they somehow all flow together alright. I'm also not sure how all the outfit pieces-the jacket+the flannel+ the shirt- would work IRL.
Ellie-"She should be happy she isn’t in my bottom three, or that there were three sets I disliked more. It’s not a pretty set, it’s too chaotic for my taste. Too much going on in the left with the outfit on the right. Not balanced."
"Heyyyyo! This is so much better than your usual... I just think it's awesome, that's all. You're still using too much stuff, though. If only a couple of the background images were removed, it would be so much better."
But of course, you had to include everything...I'm more with the first judge, you're mosaics were just so nice, I was suprised you went in this direction! On the otherhand, you had really nice outfit underneath the madness, though I may be biased because of the Kurt top...maybe a lot. =] But still, I like that the jacket wasn't BLACK and nice shoes...
You have not won...
but I think you're improving as the weeks go on. Can't wait to see what's next. =]
Ellie, Tripmywire...
One of you...
is the challenge winner.
Excellent come back, dear. Really great stuff!
You have recieved immunity for next week and can submitt any sort of something and still be alright.
And thanks Ellie, too. Not so shabby yourself...
The Bradlo
and Sarah.
You guessed it.
You three, unfortunately, represent the lowest three scores.
The Bradlo-"I don’t wanna say it…but I miss the border Hmm, she kept it for so long in this competition, even after we sometimes said we didn’t like it. And NOW she decides to get rid of it, a shame. I feel it’s more chaotic now. I think it fails predominantly in the lay-out. Also a shame I can’t see the top"
"I like this. But the skirt is from TopShop. You didn't follow all the rules. Not bad, not bad at all. [On creativity. What happened to your other layout. That one was much better."
I think you're sort of lost without your border, but I'm glad you tried something else, if only to make us realize how much it was working for ya. Digging deeper, I think I see how you interpretted bottoms from a place you don't like, so I don't know if it's still against the rules, but honestly that's not the penelty here...the layout is just SO choatic, there's no real sense of balance and the large items-namely the drink-are just distracting and unflattering. Outfit's not bad, but it's not shown off in a very pleasing way...
BBGal- "pink and black together is no longer in fashion, I’m sorry. The layout doesn’t work as well. Really bad round for her, looks as if she didn’t put any effort or joy in it. I always find scavenger hunts joyful, this set doesn’t look like she had fun"
"It's bordering a bit on the scene side, but I would do the same thing. It's so... casual. But it works. Use all of your white space. That's what it's for." the's really not awful-I love that skirt, and the jacket, and the shoes, but all together and the way you have it in the layout it appears rather clunky. The blet is what's throwing it all out of whack, I think. Creavity wise, this is much better than last week. There's a way to use white space and still have a very effective layout...and I think you know how to do it...but all the little items crawling up the side here are just not balancing anything out quite properly with the heavy other items.
Sarah-"I’m missing some color, where’s the purple item. But on the other hand I like how she interpreted something purple and choose the book; you better watch this girl . I also like that there’s a story with the shirt, yet I don’t think it should have needed three pics of it. Now she didn’t leave enough room to show the undies (how tiny, seriously), just the overall outfit gets squashed in the right because of the shirt. Not good"
" From what I can see... it's still on the boring side, though. Wow, your mother must be a strong person. I wish this set would match. This is a hot mess. Why so messy?"
Lots of items don't seem to be your thing...and that's cool, but here it's important to go out of that comfort zone and make it work. Personally, I enjoy this set alone. But I also think that week to week we're expecting so much more out of you that's it's becoming all the same note...I swear I've seen this white tank+shorts+jacket combo before, and before I said it was a cool outfit, it's just rather...uninspired. Well, with the exception of something your mother wore. It was nice to see something powerful, besides 80's tack. Other things were also interpretted well...just very messy in the end.
And so...which must go?
The Bradlo..
You're safe once again.
But Sarah, BBGal...
one of you is not...
And it was a bitch juding this... has to be done...
I am so so so sorry....
You have been eliminated from project polyvore.
We hate to see you go, love. You really came a long way.
And if you'd like to stick around in the competition, I could really REALLY use some more judges...
Thanks BBGal. You have another chance to impress us...
And thanks everyone and see you soon enough and GOOD NIGHT.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Challenge 6 Entries
1. Something my mother would have worn. My mom liked tassels. Still does. Hippie. Hence the tasseled handbag.
2. Item from my first set. The vest.
3. Shoes you wouldn't wear. I think they're beautiful. Until I think about wearing them. Then, not so much. Not wearable in the least.
4. Top from favorite brand. La Garconne. The tank.
5. Something I can't live without. Glasses. I'm damn near blind without them.
6. Song from friend's favorite band. Most of my friends are pretty obsessed with Lady Gaga.
7. Something stolen from the duckie. The bracelet.
8. Gossip Girl headband. Since a bow wouldn't fit into the style of this outfit, I grabbed a wide feather headband. So, it's like my own twist on Gossip Girl attire.
9. A jacket fit for a rockstar. Pretty self-explanatory.
10. Movie jewelry. The feather ring. Totally makes me think of Pocahontas.
11. Favorite quote. A portion of it. Since it is so damn long.
12. Purple. The second ring.
13. Bottom from least favorite brand. American Eagle...Who actually likes American Eagle?
14. Foto Decadent picture.
15. Food I've never tried. Sushi. I'm actually vegetarian, so most sushi is off-limits. But I've never tried the vegetarian stuff either.
16. Something that inspires you. Milk for Harvey Milk. Courageous people inspire me. BTW, have you seen the movie? If you haven't, you should.
1. Something your mother would have worn when she was your age:
My mother is a survivor of the Killing Fields in Cambodia, and they were forced to wear all black, so that shirt/blouse you see that the girl-model-person wearing is what my mother would have worn.
2. An item from your first set (the first that is still published so we can check):
I used both the headband and the pearls.
3. A pair of shoes you normally wouldn't wear:
The D&G shoes...
4. A top from your favorite store or brand:
I like Forever 21 for their awesome prices. (:
5. Something you can't truly live without:
Undies. I'd really rather not go commando, thank you very much.
6. A song by your friend's favorite band:
7. Something from Ducktape's poly-closet:
The necklace with the 3 crosses.
8. A gossip-girl-esque headband:
The satin one you see there. It's also from my first set.
9. A jacket fit for a rock star:
The leather moto one by A.P.C.
10. A piece of jewelry that reminds you of a movie or tv show:
The two rings remind me of Slytherin, which reminds me of Harry Potter.
11. Your favorite quote:
"A rose that blooms before its time falls to the February frost." I have no idea where its from, but I remember it from several years ago. Nothing comes up on Google, either.
12. Something purple:
The Color Purple by Alice Walker. (;
It's on my list of books to read.
13. A bottom from your least favorite brand or store:
The shorts from Wet Seal.
14. A picture from foto_decadent:
The man between the biggest picture of the girl-model-person w/ the black blouse and the leather jacket.
15. A food or food type you have never tried:
Wine. I've had other alcoholic beverages, but I can't remember if I've had wine or not.
16. Something that inspires you:
That red Stanford logo. My brother inspires me because he got into Stanford w/ a full ride.
The Bradlo
1. The skirt is super 80's
2. The sunglasses
3.The shoes are a little much for me to wear everyday
4. i love lagarconne
5. i can't live without my ipod
6. My friend is OBSESSED with the beatles
7. the ring
8. the little bow on the headband is very blair waldorf
9. the jacket :P
10. on America's Next Top Model there was a dress that had things that looked just like that necklace hanging all over it
11. My life has no title, just a bunch of headlines
12. The eyeshadow
13. i don't like charlotte russe
14. the photo
15. im not old enough for alcohol soo...
16. i am inspired by life
1. The Kate Spade Hula bag- My mom went to Hawaii for the first time when she was my age. She fell in love with the islands and actually refused to come back for a while. When she was forced to return, she loved everything that reminded her of Hawaii. Thus, a "hula bag" would have been right up her alley.
2. The bangles were in my first set. Yuck:
3. I normally don't foray into heels, and when I do they aren't cream colored. I'm not a fan of the color at all!
4. Favorite store: Delia's!
5. Those are actually my CK glasses. I have them on my face as we speak.. or type. Whatev. I would find it very hard to live without them.
6. My friend unfortunately loves Gwen Stefani.. eww.
7. I took the Rubix cube necklace.
8. Floral headband on the right hand side.
9. Red biker jacket.. duh.
10. The monkey ring reminds of both "The Jungle Book," and "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective."
11. And at that moment, I swear we were infinite.- Perks of Being a Wallflower
12. Purple brooch
13. I'm not a fan of abercrombie
14. Zee ugly photo from foto_decadent
15. I've never had one of those huge fuck off lollipops
16. I'm tres inspired by Fafi and all of her amazing drawings.

Are u gonna waste ur time thinkin how uve grown up... by Incubeautee [is back!] featuring Aeropostale
1. something your mother would have worn when she was your age - my mom was in her 20s in the 1970s. she dressed almost exactly like the girl in the top pants and neck ties hahaha.
2. an item from your first set (the first that is still published so we can check) - well my first set is not visible because of the the set that shows as my first has the "luck" heart ring that i adore.
3. a pair of shoes you normally wouldn't wear - never been into the whole victorian look
4. a top from your favorite store or brand - forever21 chiffon top
5. something you can't truly live without - black eyeliner! it's an everyday staple.
6. A song by your friend's favorite band - praise chorus by jimmy eat world. this particular song really resonates with me especially since im 25 now. it relates to the quote i chose too. listen to it!
7. something from my ducktape's poly-closet - that sweeet cross necklace
8. a gossip-girl-esque headband - satin bow headband
9. A jacket fit for a rock star - nothin says rock star like Balmain. Sleek, black, shine, and bling!
10. a piece of jewelry that reminds you of a movie or tv show - the black pearl ring reminds me of pirates of the carribbean curse of the black pearl of course!
11. your favorite quote - "it's never too late to be who you might have been." -george eliot
12. Something purple - sequin wallet
13. a bottom from your least favorite brand or store - cropped boyfriend jeans from aeropostale.
14. A picture from foto_decadent. [ ] - the calvin klein picture which i think is super sexy.
15. a food or food type you have never tried - im a food connoisseur, so there isnt much i havent tried. but caviar is one of those few things that i havent gotten interested in enough to ever try.
16. something that inspires you - luella's runway designs inspired me to be a fashion designer.
1. something your mother would have worn when she was your age. [The necklace. My mom loves unusual jewelry.]
2. an item from your first set (the first that is still published so we can check). [The silver belt. It's pretty cool actually. First set in all its awfulness:]
3. a pair of shoes you normally wouldn't wear. [The boots. I'd much rather wear some sandals or something.]
4. a top from your favorite store or brand. [I love love love's tees!]
5. something you can't truly live without. [The earphones... which stand for, music. :)]
6. A song by your friend's favorite band. [Cadillac Sky.]
7. something from my own poly-closet [The eyeliner.]
8. a gossip-girl-esque headband. [The headband with the big ol' bow.]
9. A jacket fit for a rock star [Leather jacket. Looked pretty rock star-ish to me.]
10. a piece of jewelry that reminds you of a movie or tv show. [There was this girl in the Clique movie who had a bag that looked like a boombox and played music. The ring reminded me of that. Random, right?]
11. your favorite quote. [On the bottom part. The full quote is 'How in the world did we get this far, holding on to the tail of a shooting star?' It's Sam Bush. :]
12. Something purple [The nail polish.
13. a bottom from your least favorite brand or store [The topshop skirt. Topshop stuff is used all the time and I don't like to use what everyone else is using.
14. A picture from foto_decadent. [ ] [The photo ;)]
15. a food or food type you have never tried. [I've never drank starbucks o.o]
16. something that inspires you. [My mandolin. That's what that headstock is over on the left side of the set. ;)]
1. something your mother would have worn when she was your age..........belt
2. an item from your first nail polish
3. a pair of shoes you normally wouldn't wear..........YSL cage sandals
4. a top from your favorite store or brand..........topshop-Kurt Tribute Vest
5. something you can't truly live sunglasses
6. A song by your friend's favorite band..........aerosmith-crazy
7. something from my own poly-closet..........
8. a gossip-girl-esque headband..........aerie bow headband
9. A jacket fit for a rock star..........white leather jacket
10. a piece of jewelry that reminds you of a movie or tv show..........skull ring-pirates of the caribbean(jack sparrow)
11. your favorite quote.........."hold your head high gorgeous they will kill to see you fall"
12. Something purple..........Delfina Delettrez ring
13. a bottom from your least favorite brand or store..........Abercrombie & Fitch shorts
14. A picture from foto_decadent..........
15. a food or food type you have never tried..........sushi
16. something that inspires
1. something your mother would have worn when she was your age.
the tunic.
This item was the hardest to find probably since my mother was in a very poor country when she was my age and didn't care about clothes. :x
2. an item from your first set (the first that is still published so we can check).
the perfume.
3. a pair of shoes you normally wouldn't wear.
the Alexander Wang ones. They look cool, but I would never wear them.
4. a top from your favorite store or brand.
Forever 21 plaid shirt
5. something you can't truly live without.
music notes.
6. A song by your friend's favorite band.
Relient K
7. something from my own poly-closet
the octopus ring
8. a gossip-girl-esque headband.
the headband
9. A jacket fit for a rock star
the leather jacket
10. a piece of jewelry that reminds you of a movie or tv show.
the purple and pink ring. It reminds me of Aladdin.
11. your favorite quote.
the top quote. "Love is the Answer"
12. Something purple
the bag
13. a bottom from your least favorite brand or store
hollister skinny jeans. bleh.
14. A picture from foto_decadent. [ ]
the gun picture haha
15. a food or food type you have never tried.
pinkberry. I have never tried it yet. I'm anticipating it though. haha
16. something that inspires you
1. something your mother would have worn when she was your age.
- those YSL sunglasses. Back in the eighties she was my age. She has a couple still.
2. an item from your first set (the first that is still published so we can check).
- it's the ring on the mannequin, it was in my (horrible) first set.
3. a pair of shoes you normally wouldn't wear.
- I don't wear nike's. Or any sneakers for that matter. But those are so unique and the print is really cool. Unexpected.
4. a top from your favorite store or brand.
- forever 21.... (:
5. something you can't truly live without.
- Contacts! I'm like honestly blind without them. I have the worse vision.... bleh.
6. A song by your friend's favorite band.
- I'm not sure it's her favorite band, but she always listens to it.
7. something from my own poly-closet
- that elephant! (: it's so cute.
8. a gossip-girl-esque headband.
- the green one. Self-explanatory.
9. A jacket fit for a rock star
- Leather jacket.
10. a piece of jewelry that reminds you of a movie or tv show.
- the necklace . . .
11. your favorite quote.
- Dr. Suess one.
12. Something purple
- that bag behind the leather jacket is purple.
13. a bottom from your least favorite brand or store
- Hollister shorts. ew.
14. A picture from foto_decadent. [ ]
- the photo.
15. a food or food type you have never tried.
- I've never had raspberries. No surprise. I don't like any berries. So I never really bothered trying them.
16. something that inspires you.
- fifi. and fashion basically. (:
- - - - - - - - - - - -
is that bag purple, or am i colorblind?
just wondering.
1. Something my mother would have worn. My mom liked tassels. Still does. Hippie. Hence the tasseled handbag.
2. Item from my first set. The vest.
3. Shoes you wouldn't wear. I think they're beautiful. Until I think about wearing them. Then, not so much. Not wearable in the least.
4. Top from favorite brand. La Garconne. The tank.
5. Something I can't live without. Glasses. I'm damn near blind without them.
6. Song from friend's favorite band. Most of my friends are pretty obsessed with Lady Gaga.
7. Something stolen from the duckie. The bracelet.
8. Gossip Girl headband. Since a bow wouldn't fit into the style of this outfit, I grabbed a wide feather headband. So, it's like my own twist on Gossip Girl attire.
9. A jacket fit for a rockstar. Pretty self-explanatory.
10. Movie jewelry. The feather ring. Totally makes me think of Pocahontas.
11. Favorite quote. A portion of it. Since it is so damn long.
12. Purple. The second ring.
13. Bottom from least favorite brand. American Eagle...Who actually likes American Eagle?
14. Foto Decadent picture.
15. Food I've never tried. Sushi. I'm actually vegetarian, so most sushi is off-limits. But I've never tried the vegetarian stuff either.
16. Something that inspires you. Milk for Harvey Milk. Courageous people inspire me. BTW, have you seen the movie? If you haven't, you should.
1. Something your mother would have worn when she was your age:
My mother is a survivor of the Killing Fields in Cambodia, and they were forced to wear all black, so that shirt/blouse you see that the girl-model-person wearing is what my mother would have worn.
2. An item from your first set (the first that is still published so we can check):
I used both the headband and the pearls.
3. A pair of shoes you normally wouldn't wear:
The D&G shoes...
4. A top from your favorite store or brand:
I like Forever 21 for their awesome prices. (:
5. Something you can't truly live without:
Undies. I'd really rather not go commando, thank you very much.
6. A song by your friend's favorite band:
7. Something from Ducktape's poly-closet:
The necklace with the 3 crosses.
8. A gossip-girl-esque headband:
The satin one you see there. It's also from my first set.
9. A jacket fit for a rock star:
The leather moto one by A.P.C.
10. A piece of jewelry that reminds you of a movie or tv show:
The two rings remind me of Slytherin, which reminds me of Harry Potter.
11. Your favorite quote:
"A rose that blooms before its time falls to the February frost." I have no idea where its from, but I remember it from several years ago. Nothing comes up on Google, either.
12. Something purple:
The Color Purple by Alice Walker. (;
It's on my list of books to read.
13. A bottom from your least favorite brand or store:
The shorts from Wet Seal.
14. A picture from foto_decadent:
The man between the biggest picture of the girl-model-person w/ the black blouse and the leather jacket.
15. A food or food type you have never tried:
Wine. I've had other alcoholic beverages, but I can't remember if I've had wine or not.
16. Something that inspires you:
That red Stanford logo. My brother inspires me because he got into Stanford w/ a full ride.
The Bradlo
1. The skirt is super 80's
2. The sunglasses
3.The shoes are a little much for me to wear everyday
4. i love lagarconne
5. i can't live without my ipod
6. My friend is OBSESSED with the beatles
7. the ring
8. the little bow on the headband is very blair waldorf
9. the jacket :P
10. on America's Next Top Model there was a dress that had things that looked just like that necklace hanging all over it
11. My life has no title, just a bunch of headlines
12. The eyeshadow
13. i don't like charlotte russe
14. the photo
15. im not old enough for alcohol soo...
16. i am inspired by life
1. The Kate Spade Hula bag- My mom went to Hawaii for the first time when she was my age. She fell in love with the islands and actually refused to come back for a while. When she was forced to return, she loved everything that reminded her of Hawaii. Thus, a "hula bag" would have been right up her alley.
2. The bangles were in my first set. Yuck:
3. I normally don't foray into heels, and when I do they aren't cream colored. I'm not a fan of the color at all!
4. Favorite store: Delia's!
5. Those are actually my CK glasses. I have them on my face as we speak.. or type. Whatev. I would find it very hard to live without them.
6. My friend unfortunately loves Gwen Stefani.. eww.
7. I took the Rubix cube necklace.
8. Floral headband on the right hand side.
9. Red biker jacket.. duh.
10. The monkey ring reminds of both "The Jungle Book," and "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective."
11. And at that moment, I swear we were infinite.- Perks of Being a Wallflower
12. Purple brooch
13. I'm not a fan of abercrombie
14. Zee ugly photo from foto_decadent
15. I've never had one of those huge fuck off lollipops
16. I'm tres inspired by Fafi and all of her amazing drawings.
Are u gonna waste ur time thinkin how uve grown up... by Incubeautee [is back!] featuring Aeropostale
1. something your mother would have worn when she was your age - my mom was in her 20s in the 1970s. she dressed almost exactly like the girl in the top pants and neck ties hahaha.
2. an item from your first set (the first that is still published so we can check) - well my first set is not visible because of the the set that shows as my first has the "luck" heart ring that i adore.
3. a pair of shoes you normally wouldn't wear - never been into the whole victorian look
4. a top from your favorite store or brand - forever21 chiffon top
5. something you can't truly live without - black eyeliner! it's an everyday staple.
6. A song by your friend's favorite band - praise chorus by jimmy eat world. this particular song really resonates with me especially since im 25 now. it relates to the quote i chose too. listen to it!
7. something from my ducktape's poly-closet - that sweeet cross necklace
8. a gossip-girl-esque headband - satin bow headband
9. A jacket fit for a rock star - nothin says rock star like Balmain. Sleek, black, shine, and bling!
10. a piece of jewelry that reminds you of a movie or tv show - the black pearl ring reminds me of pirates of the carribbean curse of the black pearl of course!
11. your favorite quote - "it's never too late to be who you might have been." -george eliot
12. Something purple - sequin wallet
13. a bottom from your least favorite brand or store - cropped boyfriend jeans from aeropostale.
14. A picture from foto_decadent. [ ] - the calvin klein picture which i think is super sexy.
15. a food or food type you have never tried - im a food connoisseur, so there isnt much i havent tried. but caviar is one of those few things that i havent gotten interested in enough to ever try.
16. something that inspires you - luella's runway designs inspired me to be a fashion designer.
1. something your mother would have worn when she was your age. [The necklace. My mom loves unusual jewelry.]
2. an item from your first set (the first that is still published so we can check). [The silver belt. It's pretty cool actually. First set in all its awfulness:]
3. a pair of shoes you normally wouldn't wear. [The boots. I'd much rather wear some sandals or something.]
4. a top from your favorite store or brand. [I love love love's tees!]
5. something you can't truly live without. [The earphones... which stand for, music. :)]
6. A song by your friend's favorite band. [Cadillac Sky.]
7. something from my own poly-closet [The eyeliner.]
8. a gossip-girl-esque headband. [The headband with the big ol' bow.]
9. A jacket fit for a rock star [Leather jacket. Looked pretty rock star-ish to me.]
10. a piece of jewelry that reminds you of a movie or tv show. [There was this girl in the Clique movie who had a bag that looked like a boombox and played music. The ring reminded me of that. Random, right?]
11. your favorite quote. [On the bottom part. The full quote is 'How in the world did we get this far, holding on to the tail of a shooting star?' It's Sam Bush. :]
12. Something purple [The nail polish.
13. a bottom from your least favorite brand or store [The topshop skirt. Topshop stuff is used all the time and I don't like to use what everyone else is using.
14. A picture from foto_decadent. [ ] [The photo ;)]
15. a food or food type you have never tried. [I've never drank starbucks o.o]
16. something that inspires you. [My mandolin. That's what that headstock is over on the left side of the set. ;)]
1. something your mother would have worn when she was your age..........belt
2. an item from your first nail polish
3. a pair of shoes you normally wouldn't wear..........YSL cage sandals
4. a top from your favorite store or brand..........topshop-Kurt Tribute Vest
5. something you can't truly live sunglasses
6. A song by your friend's favorite band..........aerosmith-crazy
7. something from my own poly-closet..........
8. a gossip-girl-esque headband..........aerie bow headband
9. A jacket fit for a rock star..........white leather jacket
10. a piece of jewelry that reminds you of a movie or tv show..........skull ring-pirates of the caribbean(jack sparrow)
11. your favorite quote.........."hold your head high gorgeous they will kill to see you fall"
12. Something purple..........Delfina Delettrez ring
13. a bottom from your least favorite brand or store..........Abercrombie & Fitch shorts
14. A picture from foto_decadent..........
15. a food or food type you have never tried..........sushi
16. something that inspires
1. something your mother would have worn when she was your age.
the tunic.
This item was the hardest to find probably since my mother was in a very poor country when she was my age and didn't care about clothes. :x
2. an item from your first set (the first that is still published so we can check).
the perfume.
3. a pair of shoes you normally wouldn't wear.
the Alexander Wang ones. They look cool, but I would never wear them.
4. a top from your favorite store or brand.
Forever 21 plaid shirt
5. something you can't truly live without.
music notes.
6. A song by your friend's favorite band.
Relient K
7. something from my own poly-closet
the octopus ring
8. a gossip-girl-esque headband.
the headband
9. A jacket fit for a rock star
the leather jacket
10. a piece of jewelry that reminds you of a movie or tv show.
the purple and pink ring. It reminds me of Aladdin.
11. your favorite quote.
the top quote. "Love is the Answer"
12. Something purple
the bag
13. a bottom from your least favorite brand or store
hollister skinny jeans. bleh.
14. A picture from foto_decadent. [ ]
the gun picture haha
15. a food or food type you have never tried.
pinkberry. I have never tried it yet. I'm anticipating it though. haha
16. something that inspires you
1. something your mother would have worn when she was your age.
- those YSL sunglasses. Back in the eighties she was my age. She has a couple still.
2. an item from your first set (the first that is still published so we can check).
- it's the ring on the mannequin, it was in my (horrible) first set.
3. a pair of shoes you normally wouldn't wear.
- I don't wear nike's. Or any sneakers for that matter. But those are so unique and the print is really cool. Unexpected.
4. a top from your favorite store or brand.
- forever 21.... (:
5. something you can't truly live without.
- Contacts! I'm like honestly blind without them. I have the worse vision.... bleh.
6. A song by your friend's favorite band.
- I'm not sure it's her favorite band, but she always listens to it.
7. something from my own poly-closet
- that elephant! (: it's so cute.
8. a gossip-girl-esque headband.
- the green one. Self-explanatory.
9. A jacket fit for a rock star
- Leather jacket.
10. a piece of jewelry that reminds you of a movie or tv show.
- the necklace . . .
11. your favorite quote.
- Dr. Suess one.
12. Something purple
- that bag behind the leather jacket is purple.
13. a bottom from your least favorite brand or store
- Hollister shorts. ew.
14. A picture from foto_decadent. [ ]
- the photo.
15. a food or food type you have never tried.
- I've never had raspberries. No surprise. I don't like any berries. So I never really bothered trying them.
16. something that inspires you.
- fifi. and fashion basically. (:
- - - - - - - - - - - -
is that bag purple, or am i colorblind?
just wondering.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Challenge 5 Results
Good afternoony, dears. Sorry I didn't get to this sooner, by blame Blogger! It was acting tempermental this past week, only loading occasionally.Hopefully it's done now and you all can read this.
Fashionistax has dropped out of the compition, leaving us with only 10 contestants.
Challenge 5-It's seems that in the last 10 years or so, sterotypes have...gone through rapid mitosis. That is, there's lots of little subgroups, lot's of little mutations and breeds of what was only once described as 'alternative'.
But, I'm 16, so then again, what do I know.
Anyway, crappy attempt at a lead in aside, I want you to click this link:
At this website you will find 20 different profiles of various kinds of 'Scenesters'.
[If you have trouble locating all these profiles, please let me know.]
What I want you to do is pick one, guy or girl. Read what it has to say about each one.
And then I want you to loosely draw inspiration from which ever scene kid you chose and create an avant garde sort of WOMAN'S look around them.
THIS IS NOT STREET WEAR. Nothing they can wear to school, or a concert, or any of that. To the best of your resources, I want this almost runway worthy. Take something that is trendy and cliche, and turn it into something absolutely fabulous.
Well...unfortunately for you guys, we were disappointed this week, at least for the most part-many of you struggled to make something that could be taken off the streets and into high fashion, and we grew increasily fusrated.
But some of you...some of you did alright.
and Ellie
You four represent the middle scores. Let's get to the critique...
[Highest to lowest score.]
Sarah- In a sea of un-inspiration, the judges to pleased to see yours, at least one judge said “
Compared to others this one has used the right amount of inspiration to not make it into an ugly outfit, it’s still easy on the eye, the shoes are hot”. While it's not terribly avant garde [but not street wear either...] I do applaud your use of a skirt as a top, which is EXACTLY what I was hoping more people would get creative with. One critique though, we all are so crazy about this sparse squished layout-too much white space, they say.
Ellie-Definitely a runway worthy concept, you drew from your inspiration, the Black Metal Knight, very nicely-just great choices on items all around, and those pictures are also a cool representation. Your layout isn't bad, but just be careful about layout with so many small items on one side the larger pictures taking up the whole of the other side. BALANCE IS THE KEY, and that goes to everyone.
Lola- You have immunity, so when one judge says “Way too much stuff for me to handle” it's probably a good thing you won last week. I don't know if it's quite a 'popcore dork', what ever that really is [as you said yourself.] but the inspiration was going in the white direction with all the bright colors and pop icons. Really hate the outfit personally, or as I would've said 2 years ago, it looks like “circus vomit” [AWESOME shoes though.]. But that's, like, whatever, because it got the point across.
Manda- We don't think you extracted much new creativity from the inspiration, but it's not really an /exact/ copy, so that's working for you. You had a hard time with it, but you tried and it really isn't terrible. Our problem is that it's too street wear...All the bat accessories get a little matchy-matchy and a couple of us aren't sure how that fits into Fall Out Boys Number One Fangirl, but, as street wear, it's a pretty cool outfit.
There's a lot less of you in this category...the numbers really are dwindling...
For the rest of you...well, obviously you represent the highest and the lowest scores..
You thee came out on top.
The Bradlo-If DEFINITELY gets the point of Myspace Whore across, and the sequins and hoe shoes, in any other situation incredibly tacky, really work here. In terms of the direction you took with, it could've been a little more creative-i.e, an outfit rather than just lingerie...the items in the middle section, while I think they made sense, could've been rearranged to draw more attention to the initial outfit.
Incubeautee-You KNOW your inspiration, and I think that's what gave you an advantage, because this high fashion rudegirl totally rocks, or so I think. While it's not avant garde except in some places, it's would totally kick butt on the runway and is super cool. All the details-from the tie necklace, to the floral jacket replacing the Hawaiian shirt, are spot on. One judge, though, felt that it wasn't apparent until reading your description, and another's not so crazy about the squashed up item layout.
Mandy-Great outfit! Is it avant garde, no, but it's ready for some runways, and definitely the skirt and top and belt combo is. I would wear it though, and I generally try to stay away from anything that might be mistaken for 'emo'. Great use of the inspiration, though maybe something more interesting could be done with the flannel felt kinda obvious. The layout's nice, as always, though I would've switched up a few items to anchor it more, like the glasses with the bag [one judge thought they look like they might be crushed!]
But only one of you lovely ladies can win...
The Bradlo.
You haven't one, but nice shot. Can't wait to see what you come up with next time...
Mandy, Incubeautee...
You have not won either.
But good job, top 3 again!
And of course, this means...
You are the winner of challenge 5 and have recieved immunity to matter what you turn in next week. Good show, darling!
Right. Now on to the hard stuff.
I apologise in advance for any harsh critique-please do not take it personally. As I always say, the judges opinions are only of a small group, and what you think about your set is more important...
With that being said..
and BBGal
you three have recieved the lowest scores for challenge 5.
Heyheyy-The major problem we have with yours is that it's a VERY close copy of what the original wore, just better suited to a female, and what it lacks is real innovation. You missed the mark for it to be avant garde, AND it doesn't even reach high-fashion runway worthy like was asked. And I look at it and think, challenge aside, it's not a terrible outfit, and I acutally kinda like it, but I /can/ just reach into my closet and pull out something very similar.
Tripmywire-The thing about you is that you consistently do so well, we tend to expect more. Much more. The scene queen could've been so awesome, but I feel you just played it safe...well, not sage, I mean all the colors and sequin and paint splatter is CRAZY and it does fit your theme, but it all comes together somewhat tack-ily, nothing really goes, and TOO MUCH. Yes, we get the inspiration, but we also wanted something a little beyond that. Also, not your best layout.
BBGaL- Like Heyhey, yours was far too close to the original. It's way to casual to be runway, let alone avant garde-as Tyra Banks likes to point out to all the wanna-be models, looks like it came straight from the mall. The set alone really isn't bad at all, and I like some of the items a lot [like the headband!], but we were just anticipating something more surprising...also, your items are still getting just a tad lost.
We know you have much more in you, and we hope to it comes back in time for challenge 6.
You are still in the running.
BBGal, Heyhey...
I am so very very sorry....
You have been eliminated from Project Polyvore.
I hope you had fun and aren't too discouraged, and if you'd like, I'd love to have you as a judge.
BBGal, we'll see you next week and hope to be wowed this time. ;)
Thank you everyone! And have a great week!
[Or two..]
Fashionistax has dropped out of the compition, leaving us with only 10 contestants.
Challenge 5-It's seems that in the last 10 years or so, sterotypes have...gone through rapid mitosis. That is, there's lots of little subgroups, lot's of little mutations and breeds of what was only once described as 'alternative'.
But, I'm 16, so then again, what do I know.
Anyway, crappy attempt at a lead in aside, I want you to click this link:
At this website you will find 20 different profiles of various kinds of 'Scenesters'.
[If you have trouble locating all these profiles, please let me know.]
What I want you to do is pick one, guy or girl. Read what it has to say about each one.
And then I want you to loosely draw inspiration from which ever scene kid you chose and create an avant garde sort of WOMAN'S look around them.
THIS IS NOT STREET WEAR. Nothing they can wear to school, or a concert, or any of that. To the best of your resources, I want this almost runway worthy. Take something that is trendy and cliche, and turn it into something absolutely fabulous.
Well...unfortunately for you guys, we were disappointed this week, at least for the most part-many of you struggled to make something that could be taken off the streets and into high fashion, and we grew increasily fusrated.
But some of you...some of you did alright.
and Ellie
You four represent the middle scores. Let's get to the critique...
[Highest to lowest score.]
Sarah- In a sea of un-inspiration, the judges to pleased to see yours, at least one judge said “
Compared to others this one has used the right amount of inspiration to not make it into an ugly outfit, it’s still easy on the eye, the shoes are hot”. While it's not terribly avant garde [but not street wear either...] I do applaud your use of a skirt as a top, which is EXACTLY what I was hoping more people would get creative with. One critique though, we all are so crazy about this sparse squished layout-too much white space, they say.
Ellie-Definitely a runway worthy concept, you drew from your inspiration, the Black Metal Knight, very nicely-just great choices on items all around, and those pictures are also a cool representation. Your layout isn't bad, but just be careful about layout with so many small items on one side the larger pictures taking up the whole of the other side. BALANCE IS THE KEY, and that goes to everyone.
Lola- You have immunity, so when one judge says “Way too much stuff for me to handle” it's probably a good thing you won last week. I don't know if it's quite a 'popcore dork', what ever that really is [as you said yourself.] but the inspiration was going in the white direction with all the bright colors and pop icons. Really hate the outfit personally, or as I would've said 2 years ago, it looks like “circus vomit” [AWESOME shoes though.]. But that's, like, whatever, because it got the point across.
Manda- We don't think you extracted much new creativity from the inspiration, but it's not really an /exact/ copy, so that's working for you. You had a hard time with it, but you tried and it really isn't terrible. Our problem is that it's too street wear...All the bat accessories get a little matchy-matchy and a couple of us aren't sure how that fits into Fall Out Boys Number One Fangirl, but, as street wear, it's a pretty cool outfit.
There's a lot less of you in this category...the numbers really are dwindling...
For the rest of you...well, obviously you represent the highest and the lowest scores..
You thee came out on top.
The Bradlo-If DEFINITELY gets the point of Myspace Whore across, and the sequins and hoe shoes, in any other situation incredibly tacky, really work here. In terms of the direction you took with, it could've been a little more creative-i.e, an outfit rather than just lingerie...the items in the middle section, while I think they made sense, could've been rearranged to draw more attention to the initial outfit.
Incubeautee-You KNOW your inspiration, and I think that's what gave you an advantage, because this high fashion rudegirl totally rocks, or so I think. While it's not avant garde except in some places, it's would totally kick butt on the runway and is super cool. All the details-from the tie necklace, to the floral jacket replacing the Hawaiian shirt, are spot on. One judge, though, felt that it wasn't apparent until reading your description, and another's not so crazy about the squashed up item layout.
Mandy-Great outfit! Is it avant garde, no, but it's ready for some runways, and definitely the skirt and top and belt combo is. I would wear it though, and I generally try to stay away from anything that might be mistaken for 'emo'. Great use of the inspiration, though maybe something more interesting could be done with the flannel felt kinda obvious. The layout's nice, as always, though I would've switched up a few items to anchor it more, like the glasses with the bag [one judge thought they look like they might be crushed!]
But only one of you lovely ladies can win...
The Bradlo.
You haven't one, but nice shot. Can't wait to see what you come up with next time...
Mandy, Incubeautee...
You have not won either.
But good job, top 3 again!
And of course, this means...
You are the winner of challenge 5 and have recieved immunity to matter what you turn in next week. Good show, darling!
Right. Now on to the hard stuff.
I apologise in advance for any harsh critique-please do not take it personally. As I always say, the judges opinions are only of a small group, and what you think about your set is more important...
With that being said..
and BBGal
you three have recieved the lowest scores for challenge 5.
Heyheyy-The major problem we have with yours is that it's a VERY close copy of what the original wore, just better suited to a female, and what it lacks is real innovation. You missed the mark for it to be avant garde, AND it doesn't even reach high-fashion runway worthy like was asked. And I look at it and think, challenge aside, it's not a terrible outfit, and I acutally kinda like it, but I /can/ just reach into my closet and pull out something very similar.
Tripmywire-The thing about you is that you consistently do so well, we tend to expect more. Much more. The scene queen could've been so awesome, but I feel you just played it safe...well, not sage, I mean all the colors and sequin and paint splatter is CRAZY and it does fit your theme, but it all comes together somewhat tack-ily, nothing really goes, and TOO MUCH. Yes, we get the inspiration, but we also wanted something a little beyond that. Also, not your best layout.
BBGaL- Like Heyhey, yours was far too close to the original. It's way to casual to be runway, let alone avant garde-as Tyra Banks likes to point out to all the wanna-be models, looks like it came straight from the mall. The set alone really isn't bad at all, and I like some of the items a lot [like the headband!], but we were just anticipating something more surprising...also, your items are still getting just a tad lost.
We know you have much more in you, and we hope to it comes back in time for challenge 6.
You are still in the running.
BBGal, Heyhey...
I am so very very sorry....
You have been eliminated from Project Polyvore.
I hope you had fun and aren't too discouraged, and if you'd like, I'd love to have you as a judge.
BBGal, we'll see you next week and hope to be wowed this time. ;)
Thank you everyone! And have a great week!
[Or two..]
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Challenge 5 Entries
The Bradlo
Myspace Whore
Orgcore Punk
Williamsburg Hipster
She's got so many loud and insanely awesome accessories that she wears 'em all at once, whether they go with her outfit or not. When she's not hitting the thrift stores looking for bold jewelry, she's at the mall buying up the latest trends. Anything that's no longer in style is immediately thrown out, as she can't stand to wear anything that isn't up-to-the-minute and whatever everyone else is wearing.
So I put together an outfit for our hipster, based on her outfit on the website. The jewelry isn't supposed to be exactly matched. And I threw in some random colors to liven up the red/black combo. Hope you like it :)
Scene Queen
The Scene style I chose is RUDE BOY!
Long Live Ska!!!
I have to admit I freakin LOVE ska. hahaha
GIve me some No Doubt, some Sublime, some 311, some Reggae!!!
There was a huge ska movement in southern California and the fashion really reflects that - hawaiian print shirts, zoot suits, two tones. Being a native Californian, I am familiar with this style. I love the music. And yes I was a band geek at one time also.
Here's a little bit about the Rude Boy scenester from
Here is “a message to you rudy”- give it up! although most of his favorite bands have ditched their brass sections for screaming and tight pants, the ska kid holds true to his checkered past.
there are still two-tone armies skanking the night away, though, to the tune of washed-up bands all across the united states. gone are the days when ska bands lived the high life in big-name clubs. nowadays, the ska kids flock to sweaty vfw halls and teen centers.
the rude boy was never good at any sports, so instead he opted to join the marching band which, incidentally, led to the formation of his own group. the band enjoyed their biggest success at a recent high school battle of the bands, where they showcased their originality by covering the reel big fish cover of a-ha’s “take on me”.
the majority of ska kid’s funds go towards the repair of his vespa, which he totalled after spilling his pez while speeding. someday the ska kid might be able to afford the fred perry and ben sherman gear he so covets, but for now the hawaiian shirts from goodwill will have to do.
this kid seems to have missed the memo about ska being dead; one can only assume he forgot to “pick it up!”
So, my RUNWAY version of Rude Boy would be floral print silk coats and dusters, xaggerated two tone sky high heels, checkered fedoras, and awesome tie necklaces. The models would sport pins of bands like Sublime & Rancid and carry brass instruments. Models would also wear thick rimmed glasses framed by long and thick teased hair to mimic the thick sideburns of the classic Rude Boy.
Popcore Dork

Boys and Girls Pretend to Know Me They Try So Hard by EtchaSketchinLola featuring Hello Kitty accessories
Ya know, normally I'd care about how ugly this is. However, this is for Project Polyvore 3 in which I was supposed to make a runway worthy popcore dork outfit. I still don't understand exactly what popcore dork is aside from a person who wears lots of colors and a bunch of lame cartoon-ish characters/symbols[i.e.- ninjas, hello kitty, nintendo stuff, and robots] Yeah, this is horrendous. It looks like a tranny puked all over this. I had immunity from last week though, so I just did whatever came to mind. Wow, I have one ugly mind...
Up the Punx
Black Metal Knight

project polyvore - Challenge 5~ Your Scene Sucks by _ellie_[] featuring Ralph Lauren accessories
#1 Pete Wentz Fan
Generic Emo
Okay, so i didn't want to take this TOO literal. I wanted to include some of the things that's typical for them (converse, plaid shirts) and make it kinda more edgy.
the shirt would be worn unbuttoned. like a jacket almost. yeah...
sorry I'm so late! X....x
Myspace Whore
Orgcore Punk
Williamsburg Hipster
She's got so many loud and insanely awesome accessories that she wears 'em all at once, whether they go with her outfit or not. When she's not hitting the thrift stores looking for bold jewelry, she's at the mall buying up the latest trends. Anything that's no longer in style is immediately thrown out, as she can't stand to wear anything that isn't up-to-the-minute and whatever everyone else is wearing.
So I put together an outfit for our hipster, based on her outfit on the website. The jewelry isn't supposed to be exactly matched. And I threw in some random colors to liven up the red/black combo. Hope you like it :)
Scene Queen
The Scene style I chose is RUDE BOY!
Long Live Ska!!!
I have to admit I freakin LOVE ska. hahaha
GIve me some No Doubt, some Sublime, some 311, some Reggae!!!
There was a huge ska movement in southern California and the fashion really reflects that - hawaiian print shirts, zoot suits, two tones. Being a native Californian, I am familiar with this style. I love the music. And yes I was a band geek at one time also.
Here's a little bit about the Rude Boy scenester from
Here is “a message to you rudy”- give it up! although most of his favorite bands have ditched their brass sections for screaming and tight pants, the ska kid holds true to his checkered past.
there are still two-tone armies skanking the night away, though, to the tune of washed-up bands all across the united states. gone are the days when ska bands lived the high life in big-name clubs. nowadays, the ska kids flock to sweaty vfw halls and teen centers.
the rude boy was never good at any sports, so instead he opted to join the marching band which, incidentally, led to the formation of his own group. the band enjoyed their biggest success at a recent high school battle of the bands, where they showcased their originality by covering the reel big fish cover of a-ha’s “take on me”.
the majority of ska kid’s funds go towards the repair of his vespa, which he totalled after spilling his pez while speeding. someday the ska kid might be able to afford the fred perry and ben sherman gear he so covets, but for now the hawaiian shirts from goodwill will have to do.
this kid seems to have missed the memo about ska being dead; one can only assume he forgot to “pick it up!”
So, my RUNWAY version of Rude Boy would be floral print silk coats and dusters, xaggerated two tone sky high heels, checkered fedoras, and awesome tie necklaces. The models would sport pins of bands like Sublime & Rancid and carry brass instruments. Models would also wear thick rimmed glasses framed by long and thick teased hair to mimic the thick sideburns of the classic Rude Boy.
Popcore Dork
Boys and Girls Pretend to Know Me They Try So Hard by EtchaSketchinLola featuring Hello Kitty accessories
Ya know, normally I'd care about how ugly this is. However, this is for Project Polyvore 3 in which I was supposed to make a runway worthy popcore dork outfit. I still don't understand exactly what popcore dork is aside from a person who wears lots of colors and a bunch of lame cartoon-ish characters/symbols[i.e.- ninjas, hello kitty, nintendo stuff, and robots] Yeah, this is horrendous. It looks like a tranny puked all over this. I had immunity from last week though, so I just did whatever came to mind. Wow, I have one ugly mind...
Up the Punx
Black Metal Knight
project polyvore - Challenge 5~ Your Scene Sucks by _ellie_[] featuring Ralph Lauren accessories
#1 Pete Wentz Fan
Generic Emo
Okay, so i didn't want to take this TOO literal. I wanted to include some of the things that's typical for them (converse, plaid shirts) and make it kinda more edgy.
the shirt would be worn unbuttoned. like a jacket almost. yeah...
sorry I'm so late! X....x
Monday, June 8, 2009
Challenge 4 Results
Welcome back yet again everyone, I hope the summer's going weel. I'm delighted to say that everyone got an entry in this week, even if it took a little extra time for me to get my stuff in gear...well, it also means that I am not delighted to have to cut another contestant this fine fine June evening.
Challenge Four: So, after this week, I realized you guys need to let loose-some JOY needs to be brought back into this competition [And it will only get more excieting from here...]
And so, you guys are going to Prom.
You may recall the episode from the show Project Polyvore is based on- a whole lot of madness. Fortunately for you, I'm going to let you pick your own 'clients', all of which have a set of demands for their perfect night. You not only will find them the perfect outfit and accesories as their personal stylist, but also must find a ride, a date, a corsage, and any other details you can think of to include. BE CREATIVE. But respect the client's wishes. I don't care if all this is included in the description, a seperate set, or as pictures in the background, but you MUST include other details for this girl's...most magical night. Come up with a story if you have to.
Got it?
And for the most part, everyone seems to be doing a little better, and some of you did reach outside your comfort zone. At least this week there weren't as many judges comments with the word 'boring' or 'safe involved, and that's always good. Not to mention, the scores are still pretty gosh darn close.
But 6 of you stood out from the 12, for both posative and negative reasons...
and Fashionistax
you represent the highest and lowest scores this week.
and Mandy, Manda, and Lola
you girls are at the top.
This week for critique, I will include the other 2 judge's comments as well as my own [if it doesn't echo what's already been said.]
Mandy- "I liked this one. It’s old-Hollywood in all its details; the car, the red nail polish, the fur wrap and of course the dress. The lay-out is also pretty on the eye, but it could have been stretched a bit more to the sides, and make more room to display the accessories. But I like the text and the images in the background."
"I get glam and hollywood, but not OLD hollywood. The stole is a step in the right direction, but the bandage dresses are just too modern-looking. Plus they are pretty edgy-along with those heels. I'm not sure if that would be considered school-appropriate!"
Regarding layout, I do agree with the first one. You consistantly do some of the best, but just a little adjustments in size, and you would've nailed it. And although the dress may seem modern, I think you captured the character very well, even w/o a story.
Lola- "Love this. It definitely fits the character as the outfit is a piece of art itself. The cool thing about this set is that it doesn’t even need a story. The skirt/dress does seem a bit on the short side but I think it breathes a fun, young, artsy person who goes to prom."
"I love it. I can totally see some of these type girls that I went to highschool with wearing this."
Your story was fun, but it's true, the set speaks on it's own. Alice was my favorite, and I could definately see myself wearing something cool like this to prom- and i love how you made it out of different pieces.. Plus, your layout is back on track from the last two challenges. Very very nice!
Manda- "I like how she nailed her character’s wishes. It’s pastel, it’s romantic, it’s very pretty. The lay-out could be improved, though."
"Score. So vintage and so contemporary. The dress paired with that divine jacket are just perfection."
So let's talk about your layout: It looks like your were on the right track, but published it too early-don't get me wrong, it's not terrible by any means- the items you used are cohesive and lovely! But, with all the white space on the right, and all the accesories jumbled in the left, it creates a top heavy appearance.
So thanks girls!
But one of you scored just a tad higher than the others....
You haven't won. But you're getting there! Keep working hard...
Lola, Mandy.....
You rocked it this week girl, so brilliant! With your win, you've recieved immunity and can not be eliminated no matter what you turn in for the next challenge.
Thank you too, Mandy. Very very good stuff this week.
Now, before we get to you other three ladies and the more nerve racking part of this post, let's talk about you inbetweenies.
That's all the rest of you.
[from highest to lowest score.]
Ellie- "It’s bright, it’s fun, it’s youthful. The brightest out of all the sets, it could have been more prom-focused though. Although the outfit is nice for prom, it could have also been for any other nightly outing, wish she could have integrated the prom aspect more."
"She definitely pays attention to details. The sequined shoes, the ruffled and pleated dress, the bumblebee necklace. It's cute and bright and bubbly."
I agree with both these ladies. The dress you chose, btw, is perfection, and this is a fine example of how mosaic can be done.
Tripmywire- "I think she has a cute story and I think the outfit represents the character, however I’m not that crazy about the lay-out. And if it wasn’t for the story it would necessarily make for a prom set, though I do think the outfit sort of represents the chosen character."
"I like the story and the thought and effort that took to make the set, but with the exception of the shoes, I don't see tomboy or grunge here."
You took a risk in client chose as well as changing up layout styles, and for me this payed off. Like the first judge said, it's not really 'prom' in its traditional sense, but it /was/ Tommy and that's more important.
Another judge was unable to complete all her scores in time, but she did get to your's. She called it 'Nerd chic without the cliches. Your client looks snazzy!' and was excieted about Micheal Cera and your new style. The dress also reminded her of the dress The Ugly One wears in this cartoon:
[Suiting enough, it's prom themed too. =D]
Incubeautee-"I’m not a fan of this set. Is it wearable? It looks more like an expensive wedding, I wouldn’t find this suitable for prom. Maybe a different dress would have interested me more. The set lay-out is pretty, though. And she also was quite creative with her character."
"It's a pretty dress, but I don't really see a geek wearing anything this pretty. She said she went with a medieval princess theme, but the clutter in the set is the only place I get that vibe from. I feel like she could have done more with the actual outfit. The set is just too cluttered, it's difficult to distinguish the accessories from the background."
I really liked your set, personally. Like it's been said, its not exactly what I had in mind when I said 'geek', but it's much cooler than what I was expecting. I do like your fairy tale idea a lot though. As for clutter, that is happening too...but it's more balanced than some of your past entries have been, and, to stay true to your set making style, I think it's on the riht track.
The Bradlo- "I also found this set mediocre, it’s not exciting and I also don’t think the items match…first of, how will you ever be able to wear that tuxedo blazer over that dress. And I don’t think the red clutch works unless there was something else that was red in the outfit. Lots of nice pieces, but will they work together? I do think she sort of sticked to her client’s wishes."
"I love the dress and the tux jacket with the shoes. Definitely edgy. Overall, I think it speaks a lot about her character. I think it is well put together. A little safe maybe, but pleasing choices."
While I do agree more with the second judge, the first does make some points-try to consider the oufit as a whole, IRL. And maybe, in the interest of staying afloat in this compition, try something new with layout style?
Sarah- "Okay, I think the three sets were not that necessary. I think if she used some of the images of the third set and integrated them in the first one it would have been quite spectacular, I think. It’s a darling outfit, and it fits the character. It’s better than last weeks, for sure."
"Definitely dramatic vampire chic, but still boring somehow..."
I completely agree with the first judge. Your first set was so pretty!, that the extra two sort of destracted from it.
BBGal- "I’m really confused, the story is cute and I think it sort of fits the character, but I’m still not feeling it. The colors seem to clash badly, and the dress stands out on its own so I don’t really understand the belt AND the necklaces. The shoes are hot, yet the earrings and ring don’t match at all and throw everything off. I’m torn. Good choice of jacket which has to be said."
"I really like the choices in this, I just wish the dress was a bit more "prom." You can still be crazy and have a more formal-looking dress. The presentation is a bit disorganized, but overall I like the look here."
You really did pay attention to your girl, right down to the hair, but what the first judge makes since. It's like you almost got a little...carried away. I am very excieted to see the main outfit a different color than black, though.
Right, so that's all of you. Thank you, loves, and will see you all in challenge 5. it's time for the hard part...
and Fashionistax.
you three represent the lowest scores this week...
Heyheyy- "Great choice of dress for that particular character, but oh my did she overdo it with the accessories and shoes. It’s all the same…but somehow she did find a necklace that is not purple or yellow, but it immediately makes it look out of place. If she had just chosen different accessories and shoes."
"It's an ok outfit. It certainly is a bold pattern, but I don't get retro from it. The accessories are not quirky to me either- they are just matchy, matchy."
The third judge got to you as well, and her comments echoed the bit about it not being retro, or particuarly prom-like.
Overall, you have improved from your other sets-at least it's not entirely safe. With a different bag, bracelets, and shoes, the overall set could've been loads better. In particular the shoes.
Soraya- "Hmm, these three sets don’t seem exciting at all. If she had make better use of the space in the first one, she could have be done with just one great set. Much like Sarah, although her set was much better on other fronts. This one lacks in fashionability as well as creativity. It isn’t even a prom outfit, even for an earthy chick who like eco chic’no chicness here. It’s more a day in the park with your, it’s too woody and earthy…"
"I think she was headed in the right direction, but fell a little short. This looks more like a day at an outdoor concert than prom. The guy's outfit is totally appropriate, but the girl's is totally mismatched. There are other ways she could have pulled off "eco chic" without being so casual and mousy."
Hmmm...I agree with the girls on this one. The feather hair piece was a great place to draw inspiration from, and you could've taken off with that route.
Fashionistax- "The dress and accessories are ok. A little plain, and frankly hard to see they are so small! The set looks like it wants to be a collage and wants to be a mosaic. Kinda confusing. Plus the 3 girls makes it hard to concentrate on the rest of the set..."
"Hmm, I don’t know. It’s a mosaic on the left and more theatrical on the right. It’s two styles, it’s confusing and not that pretty. The character is rather blandly interpreted."
After last week's set, I think the trouble is that we were expecting more out of you. I mean, you got the flowy and jingly down, and I would've liked to have read your story [really sorry to hear it wasn't salvaged in the comp crash D=], but it all just sort of got lost in the presentation.
And so, which one of you has not made the cut?
Breathe a sigh of relief, you still have another chance to show us what you've got.
Fashionista, Soraya....
You are...
Which means, I am so sosososo sorry, Moneyonice aka Soraya, you have been eliminated from Project Polyvore.
But look how much farther you made it than last time! You really have come along, and I hope to still see you around.
[In fact, if any past contestants would like to judge, just let me know.]
So thank you everyone, and have a great night.
Challenge Four: So, after this week, I realized you guys need to let loose-some JOY needs to be brought back into this competition [And it will only get more excieting from here...]
And so, you guys are going to Prom.
You may recall the episode from the show Project Polyvore is based on- a whole lot of madness. Fortunately for you, I'm going to let you pick your own 'clients', all of which have a set of demands for their perfect night. You not only will find them the perfect outfit and accesories as their personal stylist, but also must find a ride, a date, a corsage, and any other details you can think of to include. BE CREATIVE. But respect the client's wishes. I don't care if all this is included in the description, a seperate set, or as pictures in the background, but you MUST include other details for this girl's...most magical night. Come up with a story if you have to.
Got it?
And for the most part, everyone seems to be doing a little better, and some of you did reach outside your comfort zone. At least this week there weren't as many judges comments with the word 'boring' or 'safe involved, and that's always good. Not to mention, the scores are still pretty gosh darn close.
But 6 of you stood out from the 12, for both posative and negative reasons...
and Fashionistax
you represent the highest and lowest scores this week.
and Mandy, Manda, and Lola
you girls are at the top.
This week for critique, I will include the other 2 judge's comments as well as my own [if it doesn't echo what's already been said.]
Mandy- "I liked this one. It’s old-Hollywood in all its details; the car, the red nail polish, the fur wrap and of course the dress. The lay-out is also pretty on the eye, but it could have been stretched a bit more to the sides, and make more room to display the accessories. But I like the text and the images in the background."
"I get glam and hollywood, but not OLD hollywood. The stole is a step in the right direction, but the bandage dresses are just too modern-looking. Plus they are pretty edgy-along with those heels. I'm not sure if that would be considered school-appropriate!"
Regarding layout, I do agree with the first one. You consistantly do some of the best, but just a little adjustments in size, and you would've nailed it. And although the dress may seem modern, I think you captured the character very well, even w/o a story.
Lola- "Love this. It definitely fits the character as the outfit is a piece of art itself. The cool thing about this set is that it doesn’t even need a story. The skirt/dress does seem a bit on the short side but I think it breathes a fun, young, artsy person who goes to prom."
"I love it. I can totally see some of these type girls that I went to highschool with wearing this."
Your story was fun, but it's true, the set speaks on it's own. Alice was my favorite, and I could definately see myself wearing something cool like this to prom- and i love how you made it out of different pieces.. Plus, your layout is back on track from the last two challenges. Very very nice!
Manda- "I like how she nailed her character’s wishes. It’s pastel, it’s romantic, it’s very pretty. The lay-out could be improved, though."
"Score. So vintage and so contemporary. The dress paired with that divine jacket are just perfection."
So let's talk about your layout: It looks like your were on the right track, but published it too early-don't get me wrong, it's not terrible by any means- the items you used are cohesive and lovely! But, with all the white space on the right, and all the accesories jumbled in the left, it creates a top heavy appearance.
So thanks girls!
But one of you scored just a tad higher than the others....
You haven't won. But you're getting there! Keep working hard...
Lola, Mandy.....
You rocked it this week girl, so brilliant! With your win, you've recieved immunity and can not be eliminated no matter what you turn in for the next challenge.
Thank you too, Mandy. Very very good stuff this week.
Now, before we get to you other three ladies and the more nerve racking part of this post, let's talk about you inbetweenies.
That's all the rest of you.
[from highest to lowest score.]
Ellie- "It’s bright, it’s fun, it’s youthful. The brightest out of all the sets, it could have been more prom-focused though. Although the outfit is nice for prom, it could have also been for any other nightly outing, wish she could have integrated the prom aspect more."
"She definitely pays attention to details. The sequined shoes, the ruffled and pleated dress, the bumblebee necklace. It's cute and bright and bubbly."
I agree with both these ladies. The dress you chose, btw, is perfection, and this is a fine example of how mosaic can be done.
Tripmywire- "I think she has a cute story and I think the outfit represents the character, however I’m not that crazy about the lay-out. And if it wasn’t for the story it would necessarily make for a prom set, though I do think the outfit sort of represents the chosen character."
"I like the story and the thought and effort that took to make the set, but with the exception of the shoes, I don't see tomboy or grunge here."
You took a risk in client chose as well as changing up layout styles, and for me this payed off. Like the first judge said, it's not really 'prom' in its traditional sense, but it /was/ Tommy and that's more important.
Another judge was unable to complete all her scores in time, but she did get to your's. She called it 'Nerd chic without the cliches. Your client looks snazzy!' and was excieted about Micheal Cera and your new style. The dress also reminded her of the dress The Ugly One wears in this cartoon:
[Suiting enough, it's prom themed too. =D]
Incubeautee-"I’m not a fan of this set. Is it wearable? It looks more like an expensive wedding, I wouldn’t find this suitable for prom. Maybe a different dress would have interested me more. The set lay-out is pretty, though. And she also was quite creative with her character."
"It's a pretty dress, but I don't really see a geek wearing anything this pretty. She said she went with a medieval princess theme, but the clutter in the set is the only place I get that vibe from. I feel like she could have done more with the actual outfit. The set is just too cluttered, it's difficult to distinguish the accessories from the background."
I really liked your set, personally. Like it's been said, its not exactly what I had in mind when I said 'geek', but it's much cooler than what I was expecting. I do like your fairy tale idea a lot though. As for clutter, that is happening too...but it's more balanced than some of your past entries have been, and, to stay true to your set making style, I think it's on the riht track.
The Bradlo- "I also found this set mediocre, it’s not exciting and I also don’t think the items match…first of, how will you ever be able to wear that tuxedo blazer over that dress. And I don’t think the red clutch works unless there was something else that was red in the outfit. Lots of nice pieces, but will they work together? I do think she sort of sticked to her client’s wishes."
"I love the dress and the tux jacket with the shoes. Definitely edgy. Overall, I think it speaks a lot about her character. I think it is well put together. A little safe maybe, but pleasing choices."
While I do agree more with the second judge, the first does make some points-try to consider the oufit as a whole, IRL. And maybe, in the interest of staying afloat in this compition, try something new with layout style?
Sarah- "Okay, I think the three sets were not that necessary. I think if she used some of the images of the third set and integrated them in the first one it would have been quite spectacular, I think. It’s a darling outfit, and it fits the character. It’s better than last weeks, for sure."
"Definitely dramatic vampire chic, but still boring somehow..."
I completely agree with the first judge. Your first set was so pretty!, that the extra two sort of destracted from it.
BBGal- "I’m really confused, the story is cute and I think it sort of fits the character, but I’m still not feeling it. The colors seem to clash badly, and the dress stands out on its own so I don’t really understand the belt AND the necklaces. The shoes are hot, yet the earrings and ring don’t match at all and throw everything off. I’m torn. Good choice of jacket which has to be said."
"I really like the choices in this, I just wish the dress was a bit more "prom." You can still be crazy and have a more formal-looking dress. The presentation is a bit disorganized, but overall I like the look here."
You really did pay attention to your girl, right down to the hair, but what the first judge makes since. It's like you almost got a little...carried away. I am very excieted to see the main outfit a different color than black, though.
Right, so that's all of you. Thank you, loves, and will see you all in challenge 5. it's time for the hard part...
and Fashionistax.
you three represent the lowest scores this week...
Heyheyy- "Great choice of dress for that particular character, but oh my did she overdo it with the accessories and shoes. It’s all the same…but somehow she did find a necklace that is not purple or yellow, but it immediately makes it look out of place. If she had just chosen different accessories and shoes."
"It's an ok outfit. It certainly is a bold pattern, but I don't get retro from it. The accessories are not quirky to me either- they are just matchy, matchy."
The third judge got to you as well, and her comments echoed the bit about it not being retro, or particuarly prom-like.
Overall, you have improved from your other sets-at least it's not entirely safe. With a different bag, bracelets, and shoes, the overall set could've been loads better. In particular the shoes.
Soraya- "Hmm, these three sets don’t seem exciting at all. If she had make better use of the space in the first one, she could have be done with just one great set. Much like Sarah, although her set was much better on other fronts. This one lacks in fashionability as well as creativity. It isn’t even a prom outfit, even for an earthy chick who like eco chic’no chicness here. It’s more a day in the park with your, it’s too woody and earthy…"
"I think she was headed in the right direction, but fell a little short. This looks more like a day at an outdoor concert than prom. The guy's outfit is totally appropriate, but the girl's is totally mismatched. There are other ways she could have pulled off "eco chic" without being so casual and mousy."
Hmmm...I agree with the girls on this one. The feather hair piece was a great place to draw inspiration from, and you could've taken off with that route.
Fashionistax- "The dress and accessories are ok. A little plain, and frankly hard to see they are so small! The set looks like it wants to be a collage and wants to be a mosaic. Kinda confusing. Plus the 3 girls makes it hard to concentrate on the rest of the set..."
"Hmm, I don’t know. It’s a mosaic on the left and more theatrical on the right. It’s two styles, it’s confusing and not that pretty. The character is rather blandly interpreted."
After last week's set, I think the trouble is that we were expecting more out of you. I mean, you got the flowy and jingly down, and I would've liked to have read your story [really sorry to hear it wasn't salvaged in the comp crash D=], but it all just sort of got lost in the presentation.
And so, which one of you has not made the cut?
Breathe a sigh of relief, you still have another chance to show us what you've got.
Fashionista, Soraya....
You are...
Which means, I am so sosososo sorry, Moneyonice aka Soraya, you have been eliminated from Project Polyvore.
But look how much farther you made it than last time! You really have come along, and I hope to still see you around.
[In fact, if any past contestants would like to judge, just let me know.]
So thank you everyone, and have a great night.
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