Tommy- The total tomboy with dated, grungey stlye-would wear flannel all the time in she could. But she still must find a dress.
I wasn't even going to go to the stupid prom. But Judy kinda talked me into it. "It's our last big celebration before college." Yeah, whatever. So, Mikey and me talked and figured we'd go together. We've been best friends since grade school, so if we go together it alleviates having to find another date and, you know, all the romantic expectations of the night. So pretentious.
So, dad was all proud and stuff. He gave me his credit card so I could go and buy a dress. I went with Judy. Dress shopping just isn't my thing. I ended up finding this at the second hand store. 14 bucks, can you believe it? Judy says the green brings out my eyes. I say, it's pretty comfortable. Almost as comfortable as my favorite flannel shirt. After the hour it took to find the dress, I was over it. Much to Judy's dismay, I bought some candy and went home. According to her, I needed shoes. Pff. A dress is enough. I'm wearing my sneaks.
I went through my mom's jewelry box up in the attic and found the ring and bracelet. They kinda match. The bracelet has flowers, thus making it girly, no?
I managed to scrounge up the only purse I own. I bag my mum bought me at a thrift store back when I was 11.
Judy lent me the tights. "If you're not going to wear heels, at least wear some lace tights." That's logic for you.
So, it's the big night. I threw my hair up in a messy ponytail. Put on some chapstick. And I am ready to go. Dad actually cried. He's so sentimental. "Mom would be so proud." Barf.
Mikey got to my place early. Ever so punctual, that boy. We wore matching sunnies. Rad. He brought me some daisies he picked from his mom's garden. Lame-o. And off we went, on our bikes, to the big event.
So, here we are, at a Subway. We left a half hour after we got there. Even Judy had to admit it was pretty boring. So, we're chilling at Subway and then we're going home to listen to some GOOD music. Geez. Prom sucks, yo
Morgan- Would prefer a retro look to stand out from the crowd. Likes bold patterns, and quirky
She might even win prom queen! :)
The Bradlo
Christy- Wants a classic look, but with a little edge. Perfers dark colors, and straight shillouettes
She went with the bass player of a local band. They went in a black town car, and she had a black corsage
Elizabeth- Something of a geek. Would prefer something that looked either space age, or medieval fantasy. Anything that suits her interests.
I went with the medieval princess look.
Her date is Ed Westwick
Corsage - Cymbidium Orchid to match her dress
Their ride to the prom - a horse drawn carriage
Location - The Prado at Balboa Park, San Diego, CA
story may be coming soon...
Gwen- Outspoken, rather crazy chick. Loves metalics and crop tops
"How about this one?" Izzy yelled across the store, holding up a blindingly pink frock.
"No way," I replied, from where I was standing next to the door. I waved her over. "Can we please go to Chrome now?"
"What are you going to find there?" Izzy replied.
"Something that I'll actually wear." I dragged her out of the high-end dress boutique and halfway across the mall, to my favorite store. She protested all the way.
"It's prom, Gwen! You can't just wear any old dress."
"I know that. But I want to stand out. No frilly dresses for me."
I wasn't even going to go to prom in the first place. My friends from across town invited me to the beach for the weekend. But, they canceled at the last minute. Stinks, right? So Steven asked me to prom instead. How could I say no to him? He's so sweet. So here I am, shopping for a dress. On Monday. Yeah... prom is Friday. Oh well, Izzy the fashion guru volunteered to go with me. So I'm sure I'll find something. It's just making her understand what I want that's the problem.
Soon we stood inside Chrome, where rock music blared and everything was bright, bold, and shiny. Just the way I liked it. I immediately saw something that caught my eye, and stared longingly at a metallic crop-top and miniskirt ensemble. I shook my head. "Stupid school rules. Can you believe they won't let you wear crop tops?"
"Yes, I can actually," Izzy replied. "You're supposed to look fancy."
"Well, whatever. I want something that stands out. And is metallic. So will you please help me look?"
"Alright, fine." Izzy sighed. And suddenly took off across the store, grabbing a crop jacket off the rack and throwing it in my face. "How about this? This is cropped. You could wear it over your dress."
A huge smile crossed my face. "You're brilliant, Izzy." The jacket was exactly what I needed to stand out. I grabbed it, and held on to it while I scanned the dress racks. A bright coral and silver concoction caught my eye, and I pulled it out and held it up to myself. "I love this one!"
"It's really cool," Izzy replied, smiling. "Don't you want something fancier though?"
"No, I don't want fancy. I want metallic. Weren't you listening? I'm gonna go try this on!"
Izzy shook her head and followed me into the fitting room, where I soon emerged wearing the dress, with the awesome crop jacket over top.
"That looks amazing on you, Gwen!" Izzy exclaimed.
I grinned. "It does, doesn't it? It needs something else though. Grab me some belts, would ya?"
Izzy went hunting through the belt rack, and came running back in with a handful of belts. She held them up one by one, and I shook my head one by one. Until she came to the shiny black cage belt. "This one's perfect," I said. "I have silver and black platforms at home I can wear it with."
Izzy, who by that time had given up arguing, smiled and nodded. "Are you going to buy them?"
"I sure am." I quickly changed back into my normal clothes, and pulled my now-messy purple-streaked blonde hair into a quick ponytail as I emerged from the dressing room. We ran to the checkout counter, and I skipped out of the store with my purchases.
After picking up some jewelry that went with the dress, and some nail polish, Izzy and I sat in the food court with smoothies. "So what's Steven going to wear?" she inquired.
"He's renting a tux," I said, rolling my eyes. "Can you believe it? But I convinced him to wear it with Converse and messy hair. So it won't be too awful."
Izzy raised an eyebrow but nodded. "The two of you will look really cute together."
"I hope so! And he's renting a black limo for us. It'll be really fun!"
"Oh wow. That's awesome. I think... that you should get a purple corsage. To go with your hair. You already have those adorable earrings you just got," Izzy said, grinning.
"Hey, good idea! I knew I brought you along for a reason, Izzy! We'll go to the flower shop on our way home. Prom is going to be awesome this year!"
Hopefully the story explains everything about her date/corsage/ride etc. I couldn't find anything that was both metallic and cropped, so there's plenty of metallic stuff and I did a cropped jacket instead. Which is meant to be worn open over the dress. The judges said to do more interesting colors next time, so I tried this coral/silver/purple/black combo. Hope you like it :)
Alice- The weird, artsy chick. Wants something totally different, and not too formal. Hates heels.
[One Month Before Prom]
"Mom, I think it's time we had a bit of a heart to heart." My mother stared at me blankly. I patted the pillow next to me on the couch, and ushered for her to come sit with me. By now my mother is used to my very dramatic way of life. It's really her own fault. Who sends a child to art/theater camp from the ages of 6-17 and actually expects them to come out normal? Exactly.
"What's going on Alice?" My mother said with a sweet smile.
"Well, as you know prom is coming up and I figured we should have a talk about it."
"A talk?"
I nodded, "Mhmm, a talk." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a paper that read, "Alice's do's and dont's for prom." I cleared my throat and read the title to my mother. She sighed and braced herself for another crazy rant.
If it seems as if my mother and I do not see eye to eye, then I've done my job. I mean, you can't really blame her for rolling her eyes throughout my whole speech in which I explained that my prom experience would not be complete without a vintage limo, a self-made dress, and flats. See the thing is, my mother was a prom queen. Her mother was a prom queen. Hell, her mother's mother was a prom queen. I don't even have a date for prom, and wheelchair-Stacy is closer to being prom queen than I am. So needless to say, I'm a bit of a disappointment. Regardless of my lack of grace, normality and popularity my mom has always--at the very least-- tolerated me, which I truly do admire.
Throughout my whole explanation, there was one thing that she asked about. My date, or rather my lack of a date. "You really cannot find a date? I mean, any guy will do Alice."
"I don't want just any guy, Mom."
"Oh, so there /is/ a special guy that you would like to go with."
I sighed, "Details, mother, details."
"Who is he?"
I rolled my eyes and was prepared to fight off the conversation. However, I figured I might as well give my mother ONE normal mother-daughter moment for her to recall in old age. "His name is Paul. He's in my Advanced Portrait class."
"Does he have a date? Ya know, if he doesn't you should ask him. It's different from my day. You girls can be more forward and ask the guy out. In my day, we could not even dream of something like that."
"Mom, even if you could have asked a guy out back in the day, you wouldn't have needed to."
"That's not the point! And you didn't answer my question."
I shrugged, "Well his band is playing at prom so one would assume that he's going."
"Good! Then ask him to be your date!"
"Oh! Yeah, sure. Why didn't I think of that?" My sarcastic words cut my mom's smile in half. I felt bad, but she is completely delusional if she thinks I'm actually going to ask a guy to prom.
She gave me a warm hug, "Just one dance Alice. Ask him for just one simple dance. What's the worst that can happen?" She kissed my forehead, "one dance."
[Prom Day]
The day of my prom had finally reared it's ugly head around. I grabbed my list to make sure that I had everything.
"Alice's Do's and Dont's for Prom:
Self-made dress with cute print.
Flats. NO HEELS!
No lame limo pic.
Three pic max with my family.
Must find the raddest necklace possible. [What's radder than a necklace that says RAD, huh?]
Vintage Limo
Wavy Hair with a Hippie Headband.
Mom's three row bracelet is a MUST HAVE!
No rose corsage! Pink Lily will do :]
Tights[Mom's Addition]--Edit: Funky tights n__n
Don't forget the camera! Take ridiculous pics.
After Prom: Party > Monument Park[Pics!!] > Diner"
It was pretty much the same list that I had for the past month or so with a few necessary updates and reminders. There was one thing that was out of place. At the end of my list written in my mother's handwriting I saw two simple words, "One dance."
[Later that Night]
My mom's words were echoing in my head. All I could think of was asking Paul to dance with me. I was so embarrassed, though. What if he said no? What if he laughed? What if his friends laughed too? That's how Paul's going to remember me for the rest of his life. I will be "that weird chick that asked him to dance" forever more. I was so focused on whether or not I wanted to ask Paul to dance and finding the right moment to ask, that I completely ignored my friends for about an hour.
"Last dance, ladies and gentlemen."[If you read this far, please write "Alice's Wonderland.]
This is it. I have to do it now.
I got up and hurried over to Paul, but he was not there. I walked around searching the dance floor for him. I could not find him. "He must have left." I thought.
i turned to walk back to my table and knocked straight into someone. "I'm so sorry!"
"Dance with me."
I looked up to see Paul's big blue eyes. "What?"
"Please Alice, will you dance with me?"
I struggled to keep myself from uttering a not-so-romantic "Are you kidding me?" and nodded. He wrapped his arms around me and we danced for what felt like forever.
After the song ended he kissed my cheek, "I'm going to Jenny's party later. Are you?"
I nodded. For the first time in my life, I truly was speechless. I was in pure bliss.
I walked into the house at around 3 AM. I had just had the best night of my life. I felt like I was walking on air. I now know why "Cinderella" and almost every other fairy tale ends with, "and they lived happily ever after." After a night like that, there's no way that I can ever be sad again, because at least I've got the memory.
"So?! Did you have a good time? You look like you did. What happened?" My mom said as I walked into the living room.
I simply smiled and said, "We danced."
Issie- Rather obsessed with teenage vampire love stories, if you catch my drift...
1 of 3. When I first read Issie’s description, the first thing I thought of was that picture in the corner with Cole Mohr. It reminded me of a… modern vampire? I don’t know, but I really like it, and I thought it was fitting.
2 of 3. It’s for what Issie’s date is wearing. I couldn’t find a male’s mask that fit my demands, so I just used Sacha Hilton, haha
3 of 3. It shows what was going on. Sort of. There’s a picture of a ballroom, where the prom is. There’s a picture of a bridge. There’s a picture of a masquerade ball. There’s a picture of a stupid, shiny Volvo (hint, hint?). There’s another picture of a masquerade ball. There’s yet another picture of a masquerade ball. There’s a picture of a couple dancing. There’s a picture of a mash of the Twilight series covers. There are pictures of masquerade masks.
“Oh, Isabella. You look beautiful. Just wait until that Edward of yours’ sees you. Let me take some pictures.” My mother was snapping away on a camera as I descended the stairs.
“Mom, you know, no one’s going to recognize me. I’m in a mask, and besides, Edward isn’t real. He’s a fictional character.”
“And you love him for it.” It was true, very true. It made me laugh how my name was Isabella, just like Isabella, or rather Bella, Swan. Except I went by Issie.
“Yes, well… I have to go now,” I kissed her on both cheeks. “Good night, mom.”
“Have a nice time Isabella.”
I went outside to the waiting cab I had called earlier. I wasn’t going in a huge hummer limousine like others who would spend money on such things I thought of as trash. I was going in a taxi. It would help me remain more anonymous, too, like I hoped I would stay.
Several moments later, I finally arrived at the hotel where the prom was being held. I paid the driver and got out; clutching my bag to my chest as I sucked in deep breaths of cold air, then applied my mask. Walking briskly toward the lobby, my heel stepped into a pothole, and the next thing I knew, I was falling toward the asphalt.
“Careful,” I heard a man’s voice say from behind me as his hand squeezed my arm. “Maybe you shouldn’t be walking around in those heels. I wouldn’t want you to ruin such a pretty face.”
“Thanks,” I murmured, blushing, looking down at my heels. They were actually my mother’s. I looked up, and it turned out I was alone. “That’s strange…” The doorman opened the doors to the hotel for me and I sighed, left with an indescribable feeling from when the mysterious stranger caught me.
I wonder if anyone would bother to even keep their masks on, or even wear one. After all, it IS a senior class full of 17 and 18 year olds; and of course, they’re not going to follow the rules, will they?
Arriving at the doors to the ballroom, I sighed before adjusting my mask, and gripping the heavy doors. I blinked a few times, staring at the prom before me, before stepping forward and entering the room. It was just as I expected. Sort of. Rap music with heavy beats blasting from speakers, girls and guys ‘dancing’ on the dance floor, almost all the guys with the masks on the top of their heads instead of their face, and so on.
I was at the punch table when I was tapped on the shoulder. “Would Mademoiselle like a rose?” I almost choked on my drink when I heard this. Mademoiselle? What kind of boy, man, whatever of my age actually say ‘mademoiselle?’ I had to admit though, it was cute, and I liked it. The second part to what made me almost choke was the fact that the voice belonged to the person who caught me when I fell earlier. That indescribable feeling was back.
“Um. Yes, please, Monsieur.” The boy was holding a white rose with a red trim. Oh God. Just like New Moon. Not only that, but he was dressed completely unlike the rest of the guys: a crisp white blouse with a silver ribbon, and a black military-inspired looking tailcoat.
“A beautiful flower for a beautiful girl,” He placed the rose in my hair as my cheeks painted themselves red. “Shall we dance?”
“Dance to this kind of music? Soulja Boy?” I gestured wildly to the dance floor. Oh, yes, kiss me through the phone. How lovely.
“No, of course not, follow me.” We left the room and went outside the hotel to his car: a silver, shiny Volvo. “It’s a Volvo C30. Like it?” When I nodded, he continued, “Thank you.” The mystery boy fumbled around in his car for a second before a classical number started playing.
“Clair de Lune?” I asked, surprised.
“You know Debussy?” He sounded surprised, too.
“Not well,” I admitted. “It was a piece mentioned in one of my favorite novels. It’s also one of my favorite songs.”
“It’s one of my favorites, too.” He stared into the distance, at the night sky, at the glittering stars. “Let’s dance.”
“Yes, let’s,” We danced to the song, our eyes fixed on the stars above. When I finally looked at him, I saw he had fixed his gave upon me as well. His eyes were the color of onyx, his hair a light brown, perhaps an auburn color, but it was hard to tell in the dark. When the song was over, I didn’t know what to say, but I knew I didn’t want to go back to the prom. “Can we go for a drive? I’d rather not go back.” I wonder if I was bothering him, and if he regretted asking me for a dance, now that he had to deal with me for longer. Was I a burden?
I got in the car and we sat in silence as the music changed to Chopin, and according to the music player, it was Nocturne opus 27 #2. I watched the landscape from my window, a green blur. The green soon disappeared, and we were stopped in the middle of a bridge. He talked without looking at me. “Come, get out.”
It was cold and windy outside of the car, and I hugged my shawl closer to my body. We were on a bridge above a small river. “It’s amazing,” I breathed. The moon was held in the sky, hovering over the river, creating specks of light floating in the water.
“Not as amazing as you are, love.” His head bent down and nuzzled mine as his nose grazed my neck, inhaling. “Dear Issie…” I froze.
“How do you know my name?”
“Oh Issie,” He cooed, his eyes gleaming, ignoring my question.
“Who are you?”
“My name is Edward.” That was when he kissed me.
Danielle- The earthy chick. Would prefer something 'eco chic', but cotton works too. Hates fake flowers...
The dress IS 100% cotton. no fake flowers. The bangles are organic.
Steve's outfit.
What Danielle looks like, what Steve looks like, the REAL ROSE corsage and their ride
Tonight was the night. The night I have been waiting for is finally here. I got dressed, put on my finishing touches, and walked out the door to see Steve, my date.
"Wow," he said. "You look amazing."
"Thanks (: "
"So, are you ready?"
"Yeah," I stuttered. "Let's go."
We were riding in the black limo, sitting peacefully. I was so overjoyed that I couldn't speak. Steve on the other hand, was as calm as a clam. He detected something.
"Hey," he paused. "Are you nervous?"
"A little."
"Well, when we get there, I bet you will be fine."
The rest of the ride was quiet, getting a little better later on.
I observed the gymnasium carefully as we walked into the room - eyes planted on us.
"Wow! This is lovely!"
The usually dirty, old gym was decorated with satin tablecloth, fancy champaigne-esque glasses and light pink and blue balloons. I checked to see if my best friends, Carol and Jenna, were there.
"Danielle!" a voice shouted out.
I then spot Jenna.
"You look amazing," I said. "Where's Carol?"
"She got the flu."
"Aw. We can still have fun, right?"
I then went back to Steve to dance a little bit..
"ahh. You know Danielle, this night is going amazingly."
"I know.."
"And now," said the principal, Mr. Bus. "Now is the time you have all been waiting for."
"STEVE! They're announcing it." I said.
We huddled over.
"This year's prom king is..." he paused. "JAKE AFEDHOOD!"
We all turned back, to Jenna's date, smiling.
"And who is the lovely lady to be Jake's queen?"
*jenna, jenna, jenna* I said to myself.
We all cheered. My best friend, prom queen.
Tonight, a lovely night.
A little after the announcement, the dance was pretty much over. We proceeded out the door with many memories.
and a lot of pictures, too.
Anya- The Bubbly, everyone's best friend girl. Likes bright pastels and details.-
Lacey- Likes soft romantic things and light colors. Wants something that looks victorian, but also kind of modern.
Lacey smiled up at her Zac Efron-esque date. It was prom. A day that would top her dreary teenage life. Her date, Vince, took her glove-clad hand, and with a friendly nod to her parents and their flashing cameras, he led her out the door.
Lacey clacked her heels along the steps down her house, the descending sun greeted them both as it painted a picture perfect scene. Vince ushered Lacey toward the car that Lacey noticed later was a limo. A small giggle escaped out of her lips before she caught a small glimpse of her reflection off of the limo's tinted windows. The dress, the gloves, the perfect romantic vibe of the entire evening seemed to point to one person in particular.
"....and I want a charoit to whisk my date and me off into the sunset," Lacey had said the day before the prom. She demanded these tiny details to her designer, Manda who was competing in some designer contest. Thus, leading Lacey with the perfect prom planner.
And the one that would make her have the absolute perfect prom.
"Uh huh..." Manda's scrawny hands sketched designs and notes onto the margins of her notebook. The pages were frayed from old age probably as Lacey eyed the designs carefully. Her keen eye speculating each detail marked with Manda's pencil.
She narrowed her eyes before snatching the pencil up from Manda's hand in one swift motion. Manda looked wide eyed at Lacey, but she paid no mind as she slid the paper infront of her. She tsked quietly before erasing some stray marks and blemishes on the paper.
Lacey spoke quickly as she traced the contour lines of the sketch with her finger in approval, "I like the lace. Very Victorian ish. Whimsical almost." She nodded, "I love it."
Manda sighed in relief before composing herself infront of her client, sliding the notebook towards herself, "Any other details? I have pink, lace, Victorian-style, a chariot.." She almost winced at the word 'chariot' before adding, "Instead, what about a white limo?"
Lacey clicked her tongue in her mouth, comtemplating a white limo. Sure, limos were great, but chariots were unique. Chariots were romantic. Charoits were the classic fairytale endings.
"Maybe," Lacey decided, setting her hands together on the table, "Oh, and I want a date that looks like Zac Efron."
"Zac Efron?" Manda nearly coughed up her water. Her eyes bugged out uncontrollably, "The dude from, like, High School Musical? Todd? Tray?..?"
"Its Troy," Lacey said matter-of-factly with a small eyeroll. "Just make it happen."
"Okay guys," the host of Project Polyvore announced, "Your clients need to leave, and we have to go shopping. Let's go."
Lacey smiled weakly to herself as she slid into the limo. Hey, it wasn't a chariot, but it was nice. She examined the interior to herself, dazzled by it. There on the ceiling of the limo were stars and glitter, like looking outside on a beautiful night. Almost like a view from a chariot...
"She goes all out, huh?" Vince grinned, eyeing Lacey adoringly as he referred to Manda. He touched Lacey's hand before sliding a sweet pink corsage on her arm [is that where it goes? i dunno..]. He leaned in towards her, his warm breath present on her bare shoulder, "You look beautiful tonight. As you do everyday." Vince's sweet grin made blood rush to Lacey's cheeks, her already blushed cheeks looked almost red.
"Wait, you see my everyday?" Lacey asked, slightly stunned. She had never seen the dreamy guy before this morning when Manda had showcased the main parts for Lacey's perfect prom to which Lacey squealed in excitement, especially when she found out who her date was.
"Yeah, I'm in your second period class," Vince grinned toothily, "Guess you didn't notice, but I had a crush on you for awhile now..."
Lacey couldn't help but silently thank Manda. Not only did she get the perfect prom, but she also might have won herself true love.
Annabeth- Likes flowy, drapey clothing, and accesories that jingle. Previously thought prom was a waste of time
Details later, I wrote a story but then I lost it when my computer crashed. Sorry this is late!!!
But basically, she had a boyfriend who cheated on her in public a week before prom so she was too embarassed to go but then was encouraged by her guy friend to go, to make him jealous. She ended up going with her guy friend
Gigi- Wants a glamerous, old Hollywood vibe. Tends to want...seductive, sexy styles, but must be reigned in for school policy. -
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Challenge Three Results
Good morning, this fine fine first day of summer! [Well, for some of us anyway...?]
I have some excieting round of results to kick of the summer '09, and we are going to get started right away.
Thanks to the 12 of you who turned an entry. The Fashion Freak withdrawed from the compition this week.
Challenge Three: After last week's fun and excietment, I thought we should go back to something you guys are more familiar with- creating a runway outfit for less. You will all be assigned a certain designer, BUT are allowed to choose any outfit from a runway show, either Spring or Fall 09 ready to wear. Take this look and to the best of what's available, create a replacement for those who can't indulge in such lavish spending. You do not have to know the price of the original, but your new outfit MUST be under $500, including all accesories [pictures and other background things do not count.]. The new creation must be reconizable as coming from the designer's orginal-it doesn't have to be exact by any means, but the idea should still be there [try not to do pants when there's a skirt, that sort of thing.]. And also include the picture in the final set.
So you all were under budget and you all seemed to do fine with this. All the scores were very close...however, all the scores were average, or just slightly above or below avarage.
BUT, we here on the judging pannel have some words for all of you.
TAKE RISKS! Go wild. We don't want to see sets that are This doesn't mean the fashion itself must be eccentric and crazy, but experiment! See what sort of things you guys can push your self to acomplish! It may get you far in this compition. But at least remember this is for FUN, so have FUN while doing it. Right?
Well, now that I officially sound like Disney Channel, let's get on with it.
The Bradlo
and Lola
You 5 represent the in-betweenies this week.
Look how much the numbers have dwindled down...
Andway, critique
Highest to lowest score.
The Brad- The pieces themselves match very well, you definately had some good finds. However, with the soft color choices and almost demure dress, the over set fell a little flat...The overall big concern was the addition of belt, which didn't seem necessary except to balance all the blank down in the corner. Another concern raised was, again, your black border. I know this is part of your layout style, but for softer looks, there must be other borders to choose from-maybe thinner, or even a different color?
Lola- Yours was cool because it translated, but not exactly, you got the essence of the original look, but in the end it came out as your own. And you were well under budgest. However, the layout looked messy, the way all the items are layered. Also, the extra pictures underneath on the left side don't really make sence to the theme, or even really flow with the already existing color palette.
Mandy- It's cute, kinda chic, sort of Chanel...pretty basic. I know you griped about their RTW being bleh, but Chanel isn't ...always black and white. I think you played it safe by taking this route, and we want to urge you to LET LOOSE and do something you haven't before. As an outfit alone, you had some nice choices [that skirt's 16 bucks?! How awesome!]. And you had my personal favorite layout this week, except for the small detail of blinding white gloves in the corner [it's all about balance.]
Manda- As one judge said "It’s cute, it’s safe, it’s okay". At first glance, I really liked it-the dress was an excellent find for your runway look. But I keep having to check to see who you got. And Vivienne Westwood? This is very very basic for a Westwood look. Lots of creative juices were lacking, and we wish, with so much budget left, that you had used other items to sort of help make it your own. And improvment from last week, but you GOT to start showing us more.
Sarah- On the plus side, your dress and scarf worked very very well. But, what one judge said was very straight forward, but pretty much echoed what the rest of us thought: "This girl went creative, but I don’t know if it qualifies for a good set. I don’t get the underwear? Which I also find quite ugly…This set really sort of throws me off, it’s a bit chaotic there’s not really one thing that stands out (besides the image in the left corner which I suppose has nothing to do with this week’s challenge). I really had high hopes for her after the first set, but this is bad…it doesn’t even look like her style. Where did Sarah go?"
Alright, thank you dears. Hope to see you next week.
So who do we have left....
and Fashionistax
There are 7 of you here because of some tieing. But I won't so who or how many, because that will ruin everything...
and Fashionista
You four represent the highest scores this week.
Tripmywire- Well, you had immunity, so it didn't entirely matter what you did, yeah? Because you're a judges favorite [ehm, top 3 all three challenges.], I tend to give you a slightly harsher time-more to stand up to. Or however that expression goes. It's a really cute look, and it's you and it does translate from the picture, but you had Betsy Johnson! And immunity! You could've gone wild, used some bright fun colors! One judge felt it was similar to last week's. Also, not your best layout-things feel disjointed somehow. Scattered.
Ellie- You keep suprising me with your layout style! It's good you can change it up, show us what you can do. You had luella, and while it isn't an exact match, it has the right vibe and still maintains your stlye-which is what this challenge was all about. Extra pictures and words in the background may not have gone with the challenge theme, but they weren't desctracting, in fact, they enanched the overall set. The only thing we weren't crazy about were the gloves-something sorter, softer, more feminine would've tied it all together.
BBGal- It was a really cool look, overall, a risk for an outfit choice, and we really appriciate that. While the dress works, it's...bland when put up against McQueen's, probably because it's more charcoal grey than blank, and looks like flimsy material. Or course, it's not like there are many cheap leather dresses lying around, so it was a great try. The blue in the accesories, although creative on your part considering there were none in the orginal look, seem to blocky. What I mean is, try to mix up colors instead of giving us these bold two-toned looks.
Fashionistax- You also keep giving us different layout stlyes, and it's really payed off this week! For the first time this compition, your set was a stand out. The look isn't really exact, and we aren't entirely sure how fashionable it would be IRL, but the pieces you chose were so quirky cool-it suprised us, acutally. Though the items are sort of smushed, the layout is overall balanced. Keep it up.\
And so, as I'm sure you figured out, this is where the ties came in...but still, only one of you ladies rose above the others...
Who will it be?
Cool set. You have not won, but keep this streak up.See you next round.
You also have not won, but here's to another week in the top, yeah?
Which leaves us with Ellie and Fashionistax....
One of you is the winner and will recieve immunity for next challenge.
Such a beautiful set! You are the winner of Challenge 3 and cannot be eliminated next week.
And great improvment Fashionista. Can't wait to see more.
and Heyhey.
you 3 represent the lowest scores.
Incubeautee- You really tried and went creative with your set, but we think it's more going to see grandma, Easter Sunday than John Galliano. His looks are really out there to translate to a less expensive look, and for that I really give you props. The shoes are rad, and the hat is an interesting, cool translation of that thing on the model's head. As for layout, I'm glad you tried a different shape, but things are still getting lost in the clutter.
Monkeyonice- You also had a difficult time with's what one judge said about yours "I love the choice of shoes, great find! But I think the outfit went from model wearing only a orange jacket, to a very orange looking outfit for less. I think she focused to much on the top and the skirt is really just too blah compared to the original style. Maybe a highwaisted nude colored skirt (which I have found on polyvore before) would have worked better, make the outfit more exciting." Another judge felt your jacket choice was the wrong style for the outfit-too bulky. In this case, with so much orange already going on, concentrating on finding the right style over color would've been a better idea.
Heyhey- It's a rather sage choice for Balmain, but the shoes you found were great, and the pants work well, especially with the creative addition of scissors to chop them up. Our biggest problem though was with the jacket: "I don't think the blazer she chose works at all. The designer jacket has wide shoulders and a long breast collar. She chose a button up coat! It just doesn't go." said a judge. And I'm pretty sure there are plenty of black blazers to choose from. Overall, not terrible, but it could've been much better.
Unfortunately, this is the part were one of you will be eliminated...
You are safe for another round. Give us some amazing next time, alright-I know you have it in you.
You are also safe...
Which means...
Monkey, you're in too.
No one is eliminated this week.
Due to all the cuts last challenge and one more this, I got sick of loosing contestants, especially those who get their entries in on time. So you all have another chance in the upcoming challenge to do some Aweinspiring, amazing, unexpected.
I hope to see all that and more then.
But until next time, thank you everyone, and have a great day.
I have some excieting round of results to kick of the summer '09, and we are going to get started right away.
Thanks to the 12 of you who turned an entry. The Fashion Freak withdrawed from the compition this week.
Challenge Three: After last week's fun and excietment, I thought we should go back to something you guys are more familiar with- creating a runway outfit for less. You will all be assigned a certain designer, BUT are allowed to choose any outfit from a runway show, either Spring or Fall 09 ready to wear. Take this look and to the best of what's available, create a replacement for those who can't indulge in such lavish spending. You do not have to know the price of the original, but your new outfit MUST be under $500, including all accesories [pictures and other background things do not count.]. The new creation must be reconizable as coming from the designer's orginal-it doesn't have to be exact by any means, but the idea should still be there [try not to do pants when there's a skirt, that sort of thing.]. And also include the picture in the final set.
So you all were under budget and you all seemed to do fine with this. All the scores were very close...however, all the scores were average, or just slightly above or below avarage.
BUT, we here on the judging pannel have some words for all of you.
TAKE RISKS! Go wild. We don't want to see sets that are This doesn't mean the fashion itself must be eccentric and crazy, but experiment! See what sort of things you guys can push your self to acomplish! It may get you far in this compition. But at least remember this is for FUN, so have FUN while doing it. Right?
Well, now that I officially sound like Disney Channel, let's get on with it.
The Bradlo
and Lola
You 5 represent the in-betweenies this week.
Look how much the numbers have dwindled down...
Andway, critique
Highest to lowest score.
The Brad- The pieces themselves match very well, you definately had some good finds. However, with the soft color choices and almost demure dress, the over set fell a little flat...The overall big concern was the addition of belt, which didn't seem necessary except to balance all the blank down in the corner. Another concern raised was, again, your black border. I know this is part of your layout style, but for softer looks, there must be other borders to choose from-maybe thinner, or even a different color?
Lola- Yours was cool because it translated, but not exactly, you got the essence of the original look, but in the end it came out as your own. And you were well under budgest. However, the layout looked messy, the way all the items are layered. Also, the extra pictures underneath on the left side don't really make sence to the theme, or even really flow with the already existing color palette.
Mandy- It's cute, kinda chic, sort of Chanel...pretty basic. I know you griped about their RTW being bleh, but Chanel isn't ...always black and white. I think you played it safe by taking this route, and we want to urge you to LET LOOSE and do something you haven't before. As an outfit alone, you had some nice choices [that skirt's 16 bucks?! How awesome!]. And you had my personal favorite layout this week, except for the small detail of blinding white gloves in the corner [it's all about balance.]
Manda- As one judge said "It’s cute, it’s safe, it’s okay". At first glance, I really liked it-the dress was an excellent find for your runway look. But I keep having to check to see who you got. And Vivienne Westwood? This is very very basic for a Westwood look. Lots of creative juices were lacking, and we wish, with so much budget left, that you had used other items to sort of help make it your own. And improvment from last week, but you GOT to start showing us more.
Sarah- On the plus side, your dress and scarf worked very very well. But, what one judge said was very straight forward, but pretty much echoed what the rest of us thought: "This girl went creative, but I don’t know if it qualifies for a good set. I don’t get the underwear? Which I also find quite ugly…This set really sort of throws me off, it’s a bit chaotic there’s not really one thing that stands out (besides the image in the left corner which I suppose has nothing to do with this week’s challenge). I really had high hopes for her after the first set, but this is bad…it doesn’t even look like her style. Where did Sarah go?"
Alright, thank you dears. Hope to see you next week.
So who do we have left....
and Fashionistax
There are 7 of you here because of some tieing. But I won't so who or how many, because that will ruin everything...
and Fashionista
You four represent the highest scores this week.
Tripmywire- Well, you had immunity, so it didn't entirely matter what you did, yeah? Because you're a judges favorite [ehm, top 3 all three challenges.], I tend to give you a slightly harsher time-more to stand up to. Or however that expression goes. It's a really cute look, and it's you and it does translate from the picture, but you had Betsy Johnson! And immunity! You could've gone wild, used some bright fun colors! One judge felt it was similar to last week's. Also, not your best layout-things feel disjointed somehow. Scattered.
Ellie- You keep suprising me with your layout style! It's good you can change it up, show us what you can do. You had luella, and while it isn't an exact match, it has the right vibe and still maintains your stlye-which is what this challenge was all about. Extra pictures and words in the background may not have gone with the challenge theme, but they weren't desctracting, in fact, they enanched the overall set. The only thing we weren't crazy about were the gloves-something sorter, softer, more feminine would've tied it all together.
BBGal- It was a really cool look, overall, a risk for an outfit choice, and we really appriciate that. While the dress works, it's...bland when put up against McQueen's, probably because it's more charcoal grey than blank, and looks like flimsy material. Or course, it's not like there are many cheap leather dresses lying around, so it was a great try. The blue in the accesories, although creative on your part considering there were none in the orginal look, seem to blocky. What I mean is, try to mix up colors instead of giving us these bold two-toned looks.
Fashionistax- You also keep giving us different layout stlyes, and it's really payed off this week! For the first time this compition, your set was a stand out. The look isn't really exact, and we aren't entirely sure how fashionable it would be IRL, but the pieces you chose were so quirky cool-it suprised us, acutally. Though the items are sort of smushed, the layout is overall balanced. Keep it up.\
And so, as I'm sure you figured out, this is where the ties came in...but still, only one of you ladies rose above the others...
Who will it be?
Cool set. You have not won, but keep this streak up.See you next round.
You also have not won, but here's to another week in the top, yeah?
Which leaves us with Ellie and Fashionistax....
One of you is the winner and will recieve immunity for next challenge.
Such a beautiful set! You are the winner of Challenge 3 and cannot be eliminated next week.
And great improvment Fashionista. Can't wait to see more.
and Heyhey.
you 3 represent the lowest scores.
Incubeautee- You really tried and went creative with your set, but we think it's more going to see grandma, Easter Sunday than John Galliano. His looks are really out there to translate to a less expensive look, and for that I really give you props. The shoes are rad, and the hat is an interesting, cool translation of that thing on the model's head. As for layout, I'm glad you tried a different shape, but things are still getting lost in the clutter.
Monkeyonice- You also had a difficult time with's what one judge said about yours "I love the choice of shoes, great find! But I think the outfit went from model wearing only a orange jacket, to a very orange looking outfit for less. I think she focused to much on the top and the skirt is really just too blah compared to the original style. Maybe a highwaisted nude colored skirt (which I have found on polyvore before) would have worked better, make the outfit more exciting." Another judge felt your jacket choice was the wrong style for the outfit-too bulky. In this case, with so much orange already going on, concentrating on finding the right style over color would've been a better idea.
Heyhey- It's a rather sage choice for Balmain, but the shoes you found were great, and the pants work well, especially with the creative addition of scissors to chop them up. Our biggest problem though was with the jacket: "I don't think the blazer she chose works at all. The designer jacket has wide shoulders and a long breast collar. She chose a button up coat! It just doesn't go." said a judge. And I'm pretty sure there are plenty of black blazers to choose from. Overall, not terrible, but it could've been much better.
Unfortunately, this is the part were one of you will be eliminated...
You are safe for another round. Give us some amazing next time, alright-I know you have it in you.
You are also safe...
Which means...
Monkey, you're in too.
No one is eliminated this week.
Due to all the cuts last challenge and one more this, I got sick of loosing contestants, especially those who get their entries in on time. So you all have another chance in the upcoming challenge to do some Aweinspiring, amazing, unexpected.
I hope to see all that and more then.
But until next time, thank you everyone, and have a great day.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Challenge 3 Entries
Balmain 2009 spring collection RTW
Jacket- sequin add ons- 10.00, actual jacket 35.00
shoes 119
makeup added together (including brush) 55 (rounded)
shirt - 23
total 301! rounded up!

With a little money, you can take me right off the runway. by monkeyonice679 wants peace☮ on
I couldn't find a leopard sweater that was under budget.
ANYWHERE. So sorry. :P
This was a super hard challenge. Christopher Kane made everything scalloped, which I was unable to find.
total was $434.60
This dress stood out to me from Alexander McQueen's spring collection, because it was so cool and futuristic. So I tried to make this set kinda futuristic to go along with that theme. I couldn't find a zippered dress so I incorporated the zippers elsewhere in the set.
Price breakdown:
-Leather dress- $120
-Shoes- $140
-Clutch- $49
-Zipper earrings- $6.30
-Beaded necklace- $65
-Mesh ring- $22.70
-Silver eyeliner- $2.60
-Blue nail polish- $5.50
-Black gloves- $15.00
Total- $426.10
shoes--->Pour La Victoire : Blanche - Camel/Blue($249,99)
bag--->Cream & Silver Canvas Case-Style Handbag($55,61)
skirt--->Miso: Disco Skirt(27,03$)
gloves--->Black fabric glove with PU trim($11,14)
necklace--->Monsoon Accessorize - Statement Layered Faux Pearl Necklace($31,82)
hair bow--->Posies Accessories Bitty (small) Grosgrain Hair Bow($2,99)
lipstick--->Lipstick in Red Premiere No. 752, Dior($24)
Top - $24.00
Skirt - this D&G skirt was a splurge but 50% off! $291.00
Crochet Beret - 14.99
Belt - $63.75
Shoes - $39.79
Lipstick - $4.78
Blush - $28.00
Eyeshadow - $15.00
Eye lashes - $11.70
Total: $493.01
I do these look for less things all the time, and I usually only spend $200 max. But, since we were given $500 and I had a lot of money left after the outfit, I splurged a bit and went full out on the makeup.
Now, onto the my designer. I got John Galliano. He's not my favorite designer (ahem Luella) but I do love him anyway. This was really challenging because his runway looks are probably the most OUT THERE ready to wear fashions.
I chose a look from his Spring 2009 RTW collectin. His spring line is described by Sarah Mower on as inspired by "outrageous Regency cartoons of silly fashions from the Napoleonic war era, giant plumed military helmets, overblown mob-caps, and indecently transparent dresses. Sorted. (Oh, apart from the Queen Mummery, which equals the sweet pea florals, of course.)"
note: the belt is worn over the blouse at the waist where the seam is. the skirt should be worn as a high waist so that it will be at knee length. dont mind the heels haha. i needed something funky fresh a la john galliano and all his craziness. :) i think he would appreciate those killer platforms.
Top $80.50
Skirt $25.00 (reference )
Jacket $54.50 (reference )
Suspenders $ 18.00
Shoes $74.90
Hat $30.00
Necklace $22.64
Black Ring $29.95
Rose Ring $5.80
Handbag $45.00 (Betsey Johnson)
Sunglasses $5.00
Total $391.29
The Bradlo
Zac Posen for under $500
This outfit is $476. There is no price listed for the jacket, so I'm assuming it is $200
Cardigan: $29.95
Boots: $80.00
Dress: $60.00 [estimated]
Makeup: $23.00
Total: $192.95
$165.00 - Susan Monaco navy sheath dress
$25.00 - Azuri silk chiffon wrap
$59.90 - Charles and Keith zip heels
$9.99 - Silence & Noise topstitch bralette
$25.00 - mascara
TOTAL: $284.89
bag: $89
shoe: $20
hat: $15
white tights, which didn't show anyway so I hid them. They're part of the outfit but cannot be seen against a white background, sorry : $26.99
belt: $25
plaid top[worn underneath, duh lol] $19.90
dress: $55
[I doubt the lipstick is $200.. and the blush: $44 they're unneccessary for the outfit, but the model is wearing both.]
Top: $19.99
Skirt: $15.60 (that thing says it. :/)
Shoes: $207.50 (if you click the link, you'll see it 50% off. yay deals!)
Blazer: $68.00
Bag: $22.99
Belt: $9.50 (converted)
Gloves: $7.70 (converted)
Tights: $42.00
Total: $393.28
YAY. I made it and under budget.
I really love Chanel. Just not their ready to wear. Because it was really bleh. and kinda boring. I know, it's freaking KARL. But the RTW was driving me wild. Therefore this was made. :/
Blouse- $29
Jacket- $31.83
Shorts- about $35
Heels- $275
Gloves- about $21
Bag- $14.50
Tights- $12.50
TOTAL- $418.83
$418.83 < $500
Balmain 2009 spring collection RTW
Jacket- sequin add ons- 10.00, actual jacket 35.00
shoes 119
makeup added together (including brush) 55 (rounded)
shirt - 23
total 301! rounded up!
With a little money, you can take me right off the runway. by monkeyonice679 wants peace☮ on
I couldn't find a leopard sweater that was under budget.
ANYWHERE. So sorry. :P
This was a super hard challenge. Christopher Kane made everything scalloped, which I was unable to find.
total was $434.60
This dress stood out to me from Alexander McQueen's spring collection, because it was so cool and futuristic. So I tried to make this set kinda futuristic to go along with that theme. I couldn't find a zippered dress so I incorporated the zippers elsewhere in the set.
Price breakdown:
-Leather dress- $120
-Shoes- $140
-Clutch- $49
-Zipper earrings- $6.30
-Beaded necklace- $65
-Mesh ring- $22.70
-Silver eyeliner- $2.60
-Blue nail polish- $5.50
-Black gloves- $15.00
Total- $426.10
shoes--->Pour La Victoire : Blanche - Camel/Blue($249,99)
bag--->Cream & Silver Canvas Case-Style Handbag($55,61)
skirt--->Miso: Disco Skirt(27,03$)
gloves--->Black fabric glove with PU trim($11,14)
necklace--->Monsoon Accessorize - Statement Layered Faux Pearl Necklace($31,82)
hair bow--->Posies Accessories Bitty (small) Grosgrain Hair Bow($2,99)
lipstick--->Lipstick in Red Premiere No. 752, Dior($24)
Top - $24.00
Skirt - this D&G skirt was a splurge but 50% off! $291.00
Crochet Beret - 14.99
Belt - $63.75
Shoes - $39.79
Lipstick - $4.78
Blush - $28.00
Eyeshadow - $15.00
Eye lashes - $11.70
Total: $493.01
I do these look for less things all the time, and I usually only spend $200 max. But, since we were given $500 and I had a lot of money left after the outfit, I splurged a bit and went full out on the makeup.
Now, onto the my designer. I got John Galliano. He's not my favorite designer (ahem Luella) but I do love him anyway. This was really challenging because his runway looks are probably the most OUT THERE ready to wear fashions.
I chose a look from his Spring 2009 RTW collectin. His spring line is described by Sarah Mower on as inspired by "outrageous Regency cartoons of silly fashions from the Napoleonic war era, giant plumed military helmets, overblown mob-caps, and indecently transparent dresses. Sorted. (Oh, apart from the Queen Mummery, which equals the sweet pea florals, of course.)"
note: the belt is worn over the blouse at the waist where the seam is. the skirt should be worn as a high waist so that it will be at knee length. dont mind the heels haha. i needed something funky fresh a la john galliano and all his craziness. :) i think he would appreciate those killer platforms.
Top $80.50
Skirt $25.00 (reference )
Jacket $54.50 (reference )
Suspenders $ 18.00
Shoes $74.90
Hat $30.00
Necklace $22.64
Black Ring $29.95
Rose Ring $5.80
Handbag $45.00 (Betsey Johnson)
Sunglasses $5.00
Total $391.29
The Bradlo
Zac Posen for under $500
This outfit is $476. There is no price listed for the jacket, so I'm assuming it is $200
Cardigan: $29.95
Boots: $80.00
Dress: $60.00 [estimated]
Makeup: $23.00
Total: $192.95
$165.00 - Susan Monaco navy sheath dress
$25.00 - Azuri silk chiffon wrap
$59.90 - Charles and Keith zip heels
$9.99 - Silence & Noise topstitch bralette
$25.00 - mascara
TOTAL: $284.89
bag: $89
shoe: $20
hat: $15
white tights, which didn't show anyway so I hid them. They're part of the outfit but cannot be seen against a white background, sorry : $26.99
belt: $25
plaid top[worn underneath, duh lol] $19.90
dress: $55
[I doubt the lipstick is $200.. and the blush: $44 they're unneccessary for the outfit, but the model is wearing both.]
Top: $19.99
Skirt: $15.60 (that thing says it. :/)
Shoes: $207.50 (if you click the link, you'll see it 50% off. yay deals!)
Blazer: $68.00
Bag: $22.99
Belt: $9.50 (converted)
Gloves: $7.70 (converted)
Tights: $42.00
Total: $393.28
YAY. I made it and under budget.
I really love Chanel. Just not their ready to wear. Because it was really bleh. and kinda boring. I know, it's freaking KARL. But the RTW was driving me wild. Therefore this was made. :/
Blouse- $29
Jacket- $31.83
Shorts- about $35
Heels- $275
Gloves- about $21
Bag- $14.50
Tights- $12.50
TOTAL- $418.83
$418.83 < $500
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Challenge 2 Results
So I should start by apologising for beingsogarshdarndiddly LATE this challenge. And then promptly continue on to explain how it's not COMPLETELY my fault, but in the end what I really should be doing is getting right down to business.
But I truely am so rediculously sorry for this flakey-ness.
[Dash, Elle, Ballerinababe, Kellie Beth, and Taylor all did not turn in an entry this week, and have been eliminated from the compitition.]
Challenge Two: It seems in the past year or so, superheos have become and increasingly important part of my life, and, inspired by that, I though, wouldn't it be fun if I made you all do a set based on one?! And so, I set out finding 19 kick-butt men you guys could create sets around-but here's the thing! I don't want costumey. At all. I'm talking street wear-FEMALE street wear. What would your assigned superhero wear in his off-time if he was a chick? And to make matters more fun, I'm going to be giving you each a randmly comic book protagonist.
Now...the fallowing names:
and Heyhey....
You have recieved the highest and the lowest scores.
But let's start with the rest of you.
From highest to lowest scores:
Mandy- Very cool, very moder, and definately channelling Nite Owl. It's very wearable, and I am glad you didn't over-do it with owl accesories, because that can be done very easily. However, we think that you also played it a little /too/ safe, and somehow the vibe of the clothing [the hardcore-ish stlye you mentioned], doesn't really go with your character. As one judge said " like the outfit, but maybe because this person is so smart. He/she would have dressed a bit smarter too, maybe a bit too casual." Your layout too could've been a little stronger- it seemed a little squished in there, and maybe layer the glasses over the shirt?
Sarah-At first glance, I really don't see Cyclops, but reading your description, the attention to detail you paid is excellent. The outfit's very stylish and cool [PERFECT sunglasses, very important for him/her], and I'm glad you went with the blue color pallette- however, like Mandy, it seems played rather safe. Surprise us with out to mix pieces! Also, I wish you had explained the initial outfit, especially that picture of the jeans. Layout improved-much more balanced over all.
Incubeautee- You had a hard time trying to play the line between costumey and street, and I give you some major props for it-I would die in your postition. You really thought about translating the outfit, though, and that was great- I love the detail of the tank top texture being like his orginal armor! With the skirt-belt-top working so well torward your theme, the other componets-jacket, shoes, bag- seemed almost liked overkill. There are plenty of ways to do red, white, and blue without literally using an American Flag.
Lola- It seems like you were going in the right direction, but simply ran out of time to perfect it. The idea was there, it just felt lost in the presentation-really not your best layout. We questioned whether or not all the styles would work together as a whole outfit [my biggest issue were the shoes, and others weren't so keen on hat choice.], but it wasn't boring, and you didn't do anything safe, which worked to your advantage.
FashionistaX- It was really rather boring, becase, once again, I think you were going the right direction- the style and inspiration was very good for Ozy. It's no doubt stylish and persfessional, it was just missing a certain....WOW factor. OZYMANDIUS, King of Kings! seems like a title that would need a much grander appearnace-at the very least, a bolder necklace would've done the trick. One judge described it as 'static'.
The Fashion Freak- Personally, I loved yours, I think it's a big step up from last week. But then again, that may just be because I adore V. Since mosaics with really tiny items is just your signature, it's good you made them...just a little more spread out, and stuck to one initial outfit [which was totally HOT.]. Still, the judges question all the little items- a laptop, a straightener, two masks? Explaining your thought process may help you considerably. Also, the gapping white hole above the dress is rather descracting with all the other spaces filled.
Ellie- Yours was another I really did like that the other's weren't so excieted about. Personally, I felt is was very creative how you took this challenge, making aquaman this sort of tropical beach bum chick, which really refelcted your presonal style, especially if superheros aren't your thing. Also, I felt your layout was cool and eyecatching, different from last week which works. But other's weren't feeling it, and we all don't think beach wear constitutes as street wear [but on the other hand, for your guy, it makes since...].
Alright, thank you girls! Please keep your critique in mind, and we'll see you all next time.
Would be TheBradlo
and BBGal
[Before I begin critique, I just want it to be known that a lot of the judge's scores varied-some would love it, some wouldn't. So any harsh-ness in the critique may reflect that, but remember it's all about personal oppinion...]
The Bradlo- Much improvement from last week! All the pieces fit the persona very well, or so I think [one judge didn't get the glasses for Iron[wo]man, and also felt it was a little too dressy for street wear.] If I'm remembering correctly, Ironman was something of an LA playboy millionaire [right?], and in a way this glossy, gossip-girl type outfit suits that, as well as stayin on cue with the harshness Ironman implies [The necklace.] Also loved how you created the dress, very cute. Layout-wise, the black border works from the theme this week, but be careful in future challenges...
Tripmywire-You totally nailed turning John Constantine into some sort of butt-kicking fashionista. The shirt, the JEWLERY!, the punk rock vibe of the jacket. Absolutely brilliant. On the other hand, as crazy cool this outfit was, for the character we would've liked to see something a little...grungier? Something a little more suitable for demon hunting, at least. Those heels would seem like something of a nussaince in the middle of an exorcism, don't you think? As for layout, we like the square layout, but it's a balance, perhaps? Try getting more of a center point, it may help the overall effect.
BBGal- Punisher! What a fun one to work with! It looked like you had fun with this challenge, and in the end that pays off. Your outfit translates very well from male to female- although normally an overabundance of skulls would not really...cut it, here it works excellently. I do think though that the layout was a bit lopsided, mostly due to the proportions of the trenchcoat in relation to the shirt, and the shirt not being directly in the center [but that last bit's mostly just a pet peeve.]. The purple lipstick also seemed like taking it one step to far, fashionability-wise, and after using a very similar color combo in your last set, we'd really like to see something else from you.
One of you lovely ladies is tonights winner.
And who shall it be?
You have not won, but good job, dear. We'll see you in Challenge 3.
You have not won either...but great stuff, girl! Keep it up.
Feel proud. =D You have also won immunity for next week, and can not be cut.
Alright, now for the bottom...
There are 4 of your, only because there we two who were tied.
and Manda
You represent the lowest scores.
Soraya- Like so many before, you were on the right track, drawing inspiration from the right places, but just played it really sort of safe [Lots of white tanks this week, I've noticed...]. For Wolverine, it's so very cool, has kind of that sport-tough girl attitude that's great. The biggest issue with this set is how it's presented- all the items are getting lost, and it's all getting squished into the background of that little rectangle. I understand this is sort of your signature, but there are ways to do a rectangular set and have it be balanced and have all the items be visable. Keep practicing!
Heyhey- This really did not exciet us at all. Overall, it's much nicer than last week-better color pallatte, better presentation, better unity, but we just really don't see your character- except for the top, which really was perfect. It was just a lot of basics for a man with wings, something many people wear at school.
Nik- Look, so I'm gonna be straightforward-did you even read last week's critique? It's once again in this tiny little layout style that is very very hard for us to judge-we just can't get a very good sense of what's going on. Overall, it's slightly more eyecatching than last time, mostly due to the color pallatte, but unforunately this red and yellow scheme [and also the shoes] is the only thing I see having to do with Flash. Don't you think she'll need a top under that jacket? I know you can work other layouts, too.
Manda- With all this playing it safe, I think your's was the safeest. For some crazy, agressive, bright green guy, I felt this set could've popped, been In-your-face somehow, you know? We understand your inspiration of his scientist pre-hulk part, but it seems rather rushed.
This was a difficult challenge for you all I'm sure, and I want to let all of you know how much I appriciate you guys actually getting through it. Thank you so much for simply participating, and putting up with all this...
But still, a cut has to be made....
Soraya, Heyhey...
You guys were the tied scores.
And both of you have made it on the the next challenge.
Thank you both...
Manda, Nik...
One of you is out.
You have been eliminated from Project Polyvore.
Which means, Madna, you have made it though by just 4 points. We'll see you in challenge three.
We regret to see you leave, Nik. If you'd like to judge, or otherwise help out, please keep in touch.
ALSO, Note to everyone.
PLEASE get your entries in on time. I realized after this mess I'm going to have to be a little stricter...Extensions if only absolutely needed, and no more wishy-washyness of trying to wait for replies from late people or not [which was part of the reason this went on so long. Please forgive my wishy-washy self. That person is dead. Hopefully.]. I understand real life is a nuisance [=D], but it really should not take more than a few hours to pop out a set.
Anyway, I've already thanked you enough.
So goodnight, and until next time!
But I truely am so rediculously sorry for this flakey-ness.
[Dash, Elle, Ballerinababe, Kellie Beth, and Taylor all did not turn in an entry this week, and have been eliminated from the compitition.]
Challenge Two: It seems in the past year or so, superheos have become and increasingly important part of my life, and, inspired by that, I though, wouldn't it be fun if I made you all do a set based on one?! And so, I set out finding 19 kick-butt men you guys could create sets around-but here's the thing! I don't want costumey. At all. I'm talking street wear-FEMALE street wear. What would your assigned superhero wear in his off-time if he was a chick? And to make matters more fun, I'm going to be giving you each a randmly comic book protagonist.
Now...the fallowing names:
and Heyhey....
You have recieved the highest and the lowest scores.
But let's start with the rest of you.
From highest to lowest scores:
Mandy- Very cool, very moder, and definately channelling Nite Owl. It's very wearable, and I am glad you didn't over-do it with owl accesories, because that can be done very easily. However, we think that you also played it a little /too/ safe, and somehow the vibe of the clothing [the hardcore-ish stlye you mentioned], doesn't really go with your character. As one judge said " like the outfit, but maybe because this person is so smart. He/she would have dressed a bit smarter too, maybe a bit too casual." Your layout too could've been a little stronger- it seemed a little squished in there, and maybe layer the glasses over the shirt?
Sarah-At first glance, I really don't see Cyclops, but reading your description, the attention to detail you paid is excellent. The outfit's very stylish and cool [PERFECT sunglasses, very important for him/her], and I'm glad you went with the blue color pallette- however, like Mandy, it seems played rather safe. Surprise us with out to mix pieces! Also, I wish you had explained the initial outfit, especially that picture of the jeans. Layout improved-much more balanced over all.
Incubeautee- You had a hard time trying to play the line between costumey and street, and I give you some major props for it-I would die in your postition. You really thought about translating the outfit, though, and that was great- I love the detail of the tank top texture being like his orginal armor! With the skirt-belt-top working so well torward your theme, the other componets-jacket, shoes, bag- seemed almost liked overkill. There are plenty of ways to do red, white, and blue without literally using an American Flag.
Lola- It seems like you were going in the right direction, but simply ran out of time to perfect it. The idea was there, it just felt lost in the presentation-really not your best layout. We questioned whether or not all the styles would work together as a whole outfit [my biggest issue were the shoes, and others weren't so keen on hat choice.], but it wasn't boring, and you didn't do anything safe, which worked to your advantage.
FashionistaX- It was really rather boring, becase, once again, I think you were going the right direction- the style and inspiration was very good for Ozy. It's no doubt stylish and persfessional, it was just missing a certain....WOW factor. OZYMANDIUS, King of Kings! seems like a title that would need a much grander appearnace-at the very least, a bolder necklace would've done the trick. One judge described it as 'static'.
The Fashion Freak- Personally, I loved yours, I think it's a big step up from last week. But then again, that may just be because I adore V. Since mosaics with really tiny items is just your signature, it's good you made them...just a little more spread out, and stuck to one initial outfit [which was totally HOT.]. Still, the judges question all the little items- a laptop, a straightener, two masks? Explaining your thought process may help you considerably. Also, the gapping white hole above the dress is rather descracting with all the other spaces filled.
Ellie- Yours was another I really did like that the other's weren't so excieted about. Personally, I felt is was very creative how you took this challenge, making aquaman this sort of tropical beach bum chick, which really refelcted your presonal style, especially if superheros aren't your thing. Also, I felt your layout was cool and eyecatching, different from last week which works. But other's weren't feeling it, and we all don't think beach wear constitutes as street wear [but on the other hand, for your guy, it makes since...].
Alright, thank you girls! Please keep your critique in mind, and we'll see you all next time.
Would be TheBradlo
and BBGal
[Before I begin critique, I just want it to be known that a lot of the judge's scores varied-some would love it, some wouldn't. So any harsh-ness in the critique may reflect that, but remember it's all about personal oppinion...]
The Bradlo- Much improvement from last week! All the pieces fit the persona very well, or so I think [one judge didn't get the glasses for Iron[wo]man, and also felt it was a little too dressy for street wear.] If I'm remembering correctly, Ironman was something of an LA playboy millionaire [right?], and in a way this glossy, gossip-girl type outfit suits that, as well as stayin on cue with the harshness Ironman implies [The necklace.] Also loved how you created the dress, very cute. Layout-wise, the black border works from the theme this week, but be careful in future challenges...
Tripmywire-You totally nailed turning John Constantine into some sort of butt-kicking fashionista. The shirt, the JEWLERY!, the punk rock vibe of the jacket. Absolutely brilliant. On the other hand, as crazy cool this outfit was, for the character we would've liked to see something a little...grungier? Something a little more suitable for demon hunting, at least. Those heels would seem like something of a nussaince in the middle of an exorcism, don't you think? As for layout, we like the square layout, but it's a balance, perhaps? Try getting more of a center point, it may help the overall effect.
BBGal- Punisher! What a fun one to work with! It looked like you had fun with this challenge, and in the end that pays off. Your outfit translates very well from male to female- although normally an overabundance of skulls would not really...cut it, here it works excellently. I do think though that the layout was a bit lopsided, mostly due to the proportions of the trenchcoat in relation to the shirt, and the shirt not being directly in the center [but that last bit's mostly just a pet peeve.]. The purple lipstick also seemed like taking it one step to far, fashionability-wise, and after using a very similar color combo in your last set, we'd really like to see something else from you.
One of you lovely ladies is tonights winner.
And who shall it be?
You have not won, but good job, dear. We'll see you in Challenge 3.
You have not won either...but great stuff, girl! Keep it up.
Feel proud. =D You have also won immunity for next week, and can not be cut.
Alright, now for the bottom...
There are 4 of your, only because there we two who were tied.
and Manda
You represent the lowest scores.
Soraya- Like so many before, you were on the right track, drawing inspiration from the right places, but just played it really sort of safe [Lots of white tanks this week, I've noticed...]. For Wolverine, it's so very cool, has kind of that sport-tough girl attitude that's great. The biggest issue with this set is how it's presented- all the items are getting lost, and it's all getting squished into the background of that little rectangle. I understand this is sort of your signature, but there are ways to do a rectangular set and have it be balanced and have all the items be visable. Keep practicing!
Heyhey- This really did not exciet us at all. Overall, it's much nicer than last week-better color pallatte, better presentation, better unity, but we just really don't see your character- except for the top, which really was perfect. It was just a lot of basics for a man with wings, something many people wear at school.
Nik- Look, so I'm gonna be straightforward-did you even read last week's critique? It's once again in this tiny little layout style that is very very hard for us to judge-we just can't get a very good sense of what's going on. Overall, it's slightly more eyecatching than last time, mostly due to the color pallatte, but unforunately this red and yellow scheme [and also the shoes] is the only thing I see having to do with Flash. Don't you think she'll need a top under that jacket? I know you can work other layouts, too.
Manda- With all this playing it safe, I think your's was the safeest. For some crazy, agressive, bright green guy, I felt this set could've popped, been In-your-face somehow, you know? We understand your inspiration of his scientist pre-hulk part, but it seems rather rushed.
This was a difficult challenge for you all I'm sure, and I want to let all of you know how much I appriciate you guys actually getting through it. Thank you so much for simply participating, and putting up with all this...
But still, a cut has to be made....
Soraya, Heyhey...
You guys were the tied scores.
And both of you have made it on the the next challenge.
Thank you both...
Manda, Nik...
One of you is out.
You have been eliminated from Project Polyvore.
Which means, Madna, you have made it though by just 4 points. We'll see you in challenge three.
We regret to see you leave, Nik. If you'd like to judge, or otherwise help out, please keep in touch.
ALSO, Note to everyone.
PLEASE get your entries in on time. I realized after this mess I'm going to have to be a little stricter...Extensions if only absolutely needed, and no more wishy-washyness of trying to wait for replies from late people or not [which was part of the reason this went on so long. Please forgive my wishy-washy self. That person is dead. Hopefully.]. I understand real life is a nuisance [=D], but it really should not take more than a few hours to pop out a set.
Anyway, I've already thanked you enough.
So goodnight, and until next time!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Challenge 2 Entries
The Bradlo
John Constantine. A punk rocker in his youth, Constantine was a chain smoker who eventually contracted lung cancer. He is known for fighting supernatural creatures with a sarcastic humour. His usual attire consists of a black or blue suit, shirt and tie, and a brown trench coat.
In my enterpretation I chose to incorporate both the usual attire of the character, as well as his punk rock history. I tried to make the accessories represent the supernatural in style as well as colour. Purple is the colour of mystery and the supernatural.
went back to the old dress and changed the sunglasses pick (even though it they were so awesome) to another pic because this girl looks more like captain america with the blonde hair and all american looks while still being uber sexy.
The Guerlain Super Aqua Body Serum represents the Super Soldier Serum that transformed a sickly fine arts student (illustration to be exact hence the colored pencils), Steven Rogers, into one of the oldest and most recognizable comic book heroes in America, Captain America.
Springing forth during World War II, Captain America was a symbol of liberty and freedom. The comic was a political stance against the Nazi's and the Axis of Power.
The main challenge I had with this set was making an outfit using red, white and blue without it looking costumey and cheesy. It was a must to use those colors because come on you can't have Captain AMERICA without the red, white, and blue.
I noticed that in many pictures his top has a scale like texture. I tried to mimic this through a scalloped lace top. The wing earrings represent the wings that stick out of the sides of his mask at his head. The shoe is a modified open toe heel version of his boots. Still kind of has that same top flap as the original. The belt accent represents Captain America's only weapon, his disc shaped shield. The coin purse is an American flag, of course. It is solid metal representing the bullet proofness of the his shield.
The quotes: The one on the polaroid reminds me of the fact that Captain America considered himself to be a soldier of the people. He became the strongest/perfect human specimen and dedicated his life serving the American people. The other quote at the very bottom is an actual quote from Captain America, Vol 4. #7
[if you actual read my explanation type Captain America, Vol 4. #7]
The Fashion Freak

“People sometimes say that the way things happen in the movies is unreal, but actually it's the way things happen to you in life that's unreal. The movies make emotions look so strong and real, whereas when things really do happen to you, it's like watchi by The Fashion Freak(on) featuring Burberry jackets
This week the theme was superheroes, comic book characters, I guess. Anyways, I got V(from V for Vendetta.) It was interesting making this set. I did some research on Wikipedia. The song choice is because according to Wiki, V introduces himself in one of the comics with the line
"Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and taste" from Sympathy for the Devil by The Rolling Stones. V seems like a very mysterious character, and he almost never takes off his make. He is very, very smart. A genius in fact. He had some weird experiments done on him which made him V. His name isn't even V, he was kept in cell V at a concentration camp.
Anyways, if V were a woman, he would probably still wear all black. With the occasional touch of red. With loads of leather, and still be mysterious. The quote I uploaded from is a quote V says in the comic book. I really hope this is better then my entry last week. And I really hope it doesn't show up blank.
Warren Worthington III, from centerport, Long Island, New York. College student. Feminine outfit represents him.
The belt represents the belt he wears.
The tank and jeans represent when he's not in costume as Logan.
The tank if Alexander Wang. Alexander Wang is Canadian if I'm not mistaken, and Wolverine was born in Alberta, Canada.
The shoes are totally wolverine. I mean, look!
The gloves represent his in costume.
I like this bag a lot.
The glasses resembles the part on his head where it like sticks out..idk what that's called.
The rings, which go outside of the gloves, represent his claws. Because they're both pointy.
The karate stars represents Japan, where he had his son and lived there. He also did martial arts.
Ozymandias was well known as the smartest person in the world. He runs his own company, so he does have to look professional when he's not wearing the good old tights.
what would aquaman look like if he was a woman?(in his free time)
my "aqua woman" lives near the beach somewhere in Australia. she loves to surf. she is also an animal lover. she has no magic powers but everybody likes her because she is very friendly and outgoing. if her friends needs help she is always there for them. she works as a vet and takes care for sick animals.

1438. hey Flash! if you were a chick and you were hanging out in the streets of like manhattan, would you wear something like this? by HelloOverThereNik.™ featuring Miu Miu Bags
The black trench is to be worn open over the tank, with the purple belt worn over the tank and jeans. Boots are worn under the jeans. Both the necklaces are worn at the same time. My inspiration was from the Punisher's black, skulls and trenchcoat outfit, but I added some color as well. :)
Nite Owl II invested his wealth in a variety of superhero paraphernalia, most notably including his "owl ship," the Archimedes, an airship replete with flamethrowers, missiles, and all the toys. Nite Owl II successfully teamed up with Rorschach (Walter Kovacs) in the 1960s to take on organized crime. Dreiberg mastered in aeronautics and zoology at Harvard, contributing scholarly articles to ornithological journals after his retirement in 1977.
In 1985, he returned to vigilantism along with his future wife Silk Sprectre II (Laurie Juspeczyk), breaking Rorschach out of prison in an attempt to stop Ozymandias' scheme to "save the world from itself." After this incident, he and Silk Spectre II took up the identities of Sam and Sandra Hollis, continuing their vigilante activities anew as undisclosed costume heroes.
Dreiberg/Nite Owl II is the quintessential romantic. He is somewhat self-conscious and diffident, clearly liberal, and sensitively intellectual in his everyday dealings. He may over-think before acting and has an apparent fetish for superheroics and all its gadgets and trappings. He is most effective when he is in costume, shedding his inhibitions with passionate enthusiasm that is rather surprisingly schoolboyish in nature."
So basically he is a really RAD superhero. He seems like the Jekyll and Hyde of the superhero world. Amanda made a book reference? WHOA.
anyways; I added a hardcore (ish?) outfit. and thick glasses to represent himself. Since he's smart and well-mannered. Everything else is heavy like the bracelets and shoes. And the sides of the jeans. I also added an owl necklace. I didn't want to be too cheesy with the owls. But I dunno. I'm just glad I made it on time and yeah.

if I am your Kryptonite, will you turn green from K-poisoning like Superman? by Sarah Juillet featuring Siwy Shorts
Some explanations, eh?:
Cyclops was the hero assigned to me. What would he wear in his off-time if he was a chick? Anyway, the triangle bracelet I threw in was for his uncanny sense of trigonometry. The airplane's there because he's an expert pilot. I would've put aviator goggles, but that wouldn't make so much sense with the L'incognito sunglasses by Martin Margiela, right? Cyclops is also a master strategist and tactitian, so I put in a chess piece. He's also a master martial artist, and has a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do and judo, so that's why there's a black belt.
I originally set this outfit up with black/grey/red, but after pestering my brother about Cyclops and whatnot, I changed the scheme to black/brown/blue. The hearts represent the heartbreaks/mending/love by Jean Grey, and I guess you can say that she is Scott Summers' (Cyclops) kryptonite. [:
Green Arrow aka Oliver Jonas "Ollie" Queen was a billionaire and a former mayor of Star City. He was a superb archer who used trick arrows to fight crime. The arrows ranged from explosive arrows to Kryptonite arrows. He was a rather insignificant hero until he lost his fortune and took on a Robin Hood type of persona. He became a streetwise hero who crusaded for the poor and disadvantaged. In later years he has had a very gritty, jaded feel to him which is a major contrast from the person he started out as. Also, he eventually teamed up with Green Lantern and they became a crime-fighting duo. His association to Green Lantern lead to him fighting alongside the Justice League. [I'm not sure if he ever became part of the Justice League though.]
So I'll just give a short explanation of some of the things in the set and why they are there. Well, obviously I couldn't have a Green Arrow outfit without something green so I felt that the jumpsuit was pretty perfect for his character. The arrow earrings and arrow necklace are, obviously, representative of his love of archery. The hat is a. really cute and b. necessary because Green Arrow cannot shoot his arrows without it. I read one comic book in which Green Arrow's opponent removed his hat and he shot terribly. Basically, he uses his hat to sense the direction of the wind and blah, blah, blah lol. I included the text, "You can't buy happiness- steal it" because it goes along with his Robin Hood-esque character. Ya know, steal from the rich and give to the poor and all that fun stuff. Finally, I included the sunglasses because Green Arrow always has a mask over his eyes to shield his identity so the sunnies act in the same manner as his mask. Everything else was just.. idk-- cute?
The Hulk is cast as the emotional and impulsive alter ego of the withdrawn and reserved physicist Dr. Bruce Banner. The Hulk appears shortly after Banner is accidentally exposed to the blast of a test detonation of a gamma bomb he invented. Subsequently, Banner will involuntarily transform into the Hulk, depicted as a giant, raging, humanoid monster, leading to extreme complications in Banner's life. Lee said the Hulk's creation was inspired by a combination of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Frankenstein.[3]
John Constantine. A punk rocker in his youth, Constantine was a chain smoker who eventually contracted lung cancer. He is known for fighting supernatural creatures with a sarcastic humour. His usual attire consists of a black or blue suit, shirt and tie, and a brown trench coat.
In my enterpretation I chose to incorporate both the usual attire of the character, as well as his punk rock history. I tried to make the accessories represent the supernatural in style as well as colour. Purple is the colour of mystery and the supernatural.
went back to the old dress and changed the sunglasses pick (even though it they were so awesome) to another pic because this girl looks more like captain america with the blonde hair and all american looks while still being uber sexy.
The Guerlain Super Aqua Body Serum represents the Super Soldier Serum that transformed a sickly fine arts student (illustration to be exact hence the colored pencils), Steven Rogers, into one of the oldest and most recognizable comic book heroes in America, Captain America.
Springing forth during World War II, Captain America was a symbol of liberty and freedom. The comic was a political stance against the Nazi's and the Axis of Power.
The main challenge I had with this set was making an outfit using red, white and blue without it looking costumey and cheesy. It was a must to use those colors because come on you can't have Captain AMERICA without the red, white, and blue.
I noticed that in many pictures his top has a scale like texture. I tried to mimic this through a scalloped lace top. The wing earrings represent the wings that stick out of the sides of his mask at his head. The shoe is a modified open toe heel version of his boots. Still kind of has that same top flap as the original. The belt accent represents Captain America's only weapon, his disc shaped shield. The coin purse is an American flag, of course. It is solid metal representing the bullet proofness of the his shield.
The quotes: The one on the polaroid reminds me of the fact that Captain America considered himself to be a soldier of the people. He became the strongest/perfect human specimen and dedicated his life serving the American people. The other quote at the very bottom is an actual quote from Captain America, Vol 4. #7
[if you actual read my explanation type Captain America, Vol 4. #7]
The Fashion Freak
“People sometimes say that the way things happen in the movies is unreal, but actually it's the way things happen to you in life that's unreal. The movies make emotions look so strong and real, whereas when things really do happen to you, it's like watchi by The Fashion Freak(on) featuring Burberry jackets
This week the theme was superheroes, comic book characters, I guess. Anyways, I got V(from V for Vendetta.) It was interesting making this set. I did some research on Wikipedia. The song choice is because according to Wiki, V introduces himself in one of the comics with the line
"Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and taste" from Sympathy for the Devil by The Rolling Stones. V seems like a very mysterious character, and he almost never takes off his make. He is very, very smart. A genius in fact. He had some weird experiments done on him which made him V. His name isn't even V, he was kept in cell V at a concentration camp.
Anyways, if V were a woman, he would probably still wear all black. With the occasional touch of red. With loads of leather, and still be mysterious. The quote I uploaded from is a quote V says in the comic book. I really hope this is better then my entry last week. And I really hope it doesn't show up blank.
Warren Worthington III, from centerport, Long Island, New York. College student. Feminine outfit represents him.
The belt represents the belt he wears.
The tank and jeans represent when he's not in costume as Logan.
The tank if Alexander Wang. Alexander Wang is Canadian if I'm not mistaken, and Wolverine was born in Alberta, Canada.
The shoes are totally wolverine. I mean, look!
The gloves represent his in costume.
I like this bag a lot.
The glasses resembles the part on his head where it like sticks out..idk what that's called.
The rings, which go outside of the gloves, represent his claws. Because they're both pointy.
The karate stars represents Japan, where he had his son and lived there. He also did martial arts.
Ozymandias was well known as the smartest person in the world. He runs his own company, so he does have to look professional when he's not wearing the good old tights.
what would aquaman look like if he was a woman?(in his free time)
my "aqua woman" lives near the beach somewhere in Australia. she loves to surf. she is also an animal lover. she has no magic powers but everybody likes her because she is very friendly and outgoing. if her friends needs help she is always there for them. she works as a vet and takes care for sick animals.
1438. hey Flash! if you were a chick and you were hanging out in the streets of like manhattan, would you wear something like this? by HelloOverThereNik.™ featuring Miu Miu Bags
The black trench is to be worn open over the tank, with the purple belt worn over the tank and jeans. Boots are worn under the jeans. Both the necklaces are worn at the same time. My inspiration was from the Punisher's black, skulls and trenchcoat outfit, but I added some color as well. :)
Nite Owl II invested his wealth in a variety of superhero paraphernalia, most notably including his "owl ship," the Archimedes, an airship replete with flamethrowers, missiles, and all the toys. Nite Owl II successfully teamed up with Rorschach (Walter Kovacs) in the 1960s to take on organized crime. Dreiberg mastered in aeronautics and zoology at Harvard, contributing scholarly articles to ornithological journals after his retirement in 1977.
In 1985, he returned to vigilantism along with his future wife Silk Sprectre II (Laurie Juspeczyk), breaking Rorschach out of prison in an attempt to stop Ozymandias' scheme to "save the world from itself." After this incident, he and Silk Spectre II took up the identities of Sam and Sandra Hollis, continuing their vigilante activities anew as undisclosed costume heroes.
Dreiberg/Nite Owl II is the quintessential romantic. He is somewhat self-conscious and diffident, clearly liberal, and sensitively intellectual in his everyday dealings. He may over-think before acting and has an apparent fetish for superheroics and all its gadgets and trappings. He is most effective when he is in costume, shedding his inhibitions with passionate enthusiasm that is rather surprisingly schoolboyish in nature."
So basically he is a really RAD superhero. He seems like the Jekyll and Hyde of the superhero world. Amanda made a book reference? WHOA.
anyways; I added a hardcore (ish?) outfit. and thick glasses to represent himself. Since he's smart and well-mannered. Everything else is heavy like the bracelets and shoes. And the sides of the jeans. I also added an owl necklace. I didn't want to be too cheesy with the owls. But I dunno. I'm just glad I made it on time and yeah.
if I am your Kryptonite, will you turn green from K-poisoning like Superman? by Sarah Juillet featuring Siwy Shorts
Some explanations, eh?:
Cyclops was the hero assigned to me. What would he wear in his off-time if he was a chick? Anyway, the triangle bracelet I threw in was for his uncanny sense of trigonometry. The airplane's there because he's an expert pilot. I would've put aviator goggles, but that wouldn't make so much sense with the L'incognito sunglasses by Martin Margiela, right? Cyclops is also a master strategist and tactitian, so I put in a chess piece. He's also a master martial artist, and has a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do and judo, so that's why there's a black belt.
I originally set this outfit up with black/grey/red, but after pestering my brother about Cyclops and whatnot, I changed the scheme to black/brown/blue. The hearts represent the heartbreaks/mending/love by Jean Grey, and I guess you can say that she is Scott Summers' (Cyclops) kryptonite. [:
Green Arrow aka Oliver Jonas "Ollie" Queen was a billionaire and a former mayor of Star City. He was a superb archer who used trick arrows to fight crime. The arrows ranged from explosive arrows to Kryptonite arrows. He was a rather insignificant hero until he lost his fortune and took on a Robin Hood type of persona. He became a streetwise hero who crusaded for the poor and disadvantaged. In later years he has had a very gritty, jaded feel to him which is a major contrast from the person he started out as. Also, he eventually teamed up with Green Lantern and they became a crime-fighting duo. His association to Green Lantern lead to him fighting alongside the Justice League. [I'm not sure if he ever became part of the Justice League though.]
So I'll just give a short explanation of some of the things in the set and why they are there. Well, obviously I couldn't have a Green Arrow outfit without something green so I felt that the jumpsuit was pretty perfect for his character. The arrow earrings and arrow necklace are, obviously, representative of his love of archery. The hat is a. really cute and b. necessary because Green Arrow cannot shoot his arrows without it. I read one comic book in which Green Arrow's opponent removed his hat and he shot terribly. Basically, he uses his hat to sense the direction of the wind and blah, blah, blah lol. I included the text, "You can't buy happiness- steal it" because it goes along with his Robin Hood-esque character. Ya know, steal from the rich and give to the poor and all that fun stuff. Finally, I included the sunglasses because Green Arrow always has a mask over his eyes to shield his identity so the sunnies act in the same manner as his mask. Everything else was just.. idk-- cute?
The Hulk is cast as the emotional and impulsive alter ego of the withdrawn and reserved physicist Dr. Bruce Banner. The Hulk appears shortly after Banner is accidentally exposed to the blast of a test detonation of a gamma bomb he invented. Subsequently, Banner will involuntarily transform into the Hulk, depicted as a giant, raging, humanoid monster, leading to extreme complications in Banner's life. Lee said the Hulk's creation was inspired by a combination of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Frankenstein.[3]
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